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im wondering at what level you can start to get drops that sell in shops. like Forces aging stones and other things. so in short..When can i start making money other then looting gold.

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Hey Oric,


You can start finding items that is worth selling when you are 140 and the map is called Secret Laboratory. You also have other options such as hunting bosses:


Valento - Valento Ring or Coin Sack

Kelevazu - Kelvazu Amulet or Coin Sack

Dark Guardian - Dark Guardian Sheltom or Coin Sack


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Thats a little disappointing when i was playing Last...UPT I was able to atleast get forces in Mystery forest. i guess its just not as newb friendly as it used to be. atleast leveling seems much quicker with the daily quests. I got a coin sack once do you know the chance of them dropping off a boss is it all bosses or just some?

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Thats a little disappointing when i was playing Last...UPT I was able to atleast get forces in Mystery forest. i guess its just not as newb friendly as it used to be. atleast leveling seems much quicker with the daily quests. I got a coin sack once do you know the chance of them dropping off a boss is it all bosses or just some?

Every boss that is not from an exp map can drop coin sack. You only have to wait untill 140 if what you want is items like level 13x items and up, but you can get nice prizes from SoD (forces, phantom items, and more) and Hell's Gate (Hell items, aging stones, Throne items, and many more), HG is especially really fun to participate in.


You can also go hunt bosses for cool items like valento rings, tulla amulets, and others.

Thanks ill look into it..Mostly im on exp maps trying to grind up levels. so that would be why ive only seen one

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im wondering at what level you can start to get drops that sell in shops. like Forces aging stones and other things. so in short..When can i start making money other then looting gold.


Of course for get the best items in game and sell, the right place to go is lab, the latest map on the server, but actually at 110 u already can start hunting at et1. Drops can be sold to npc and u can get some good gold.

Also can sell in shop items 95 - 10x for the new players, plus sheltoms like mirage and celesto are able to sell in shop too.

Btw, forces only can drop on events. Aging stones.... on events too (not dropeable, but as a prize).

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im wondering at what level you can start to get drops that sell in shops. like Forces aging stones and other things. so in short..When can i start making money other then looting gold.


Of course for get the best items in game and sell, the right place to go is lab, the latest map on the server, but actually at 110 u already can start hunting at et1. Drops can be sold to npc and u can get some good gold.

Also can sell in shop items 95 - 10x for the new players, plus sheltoms like mirage and celesto are able to sell in shop too.

Btw, forces only can drop on events. Aging stones.... on events too (not dropeable, but as a prize).

I was unsure if they could i just see people with tons and tons of them so i assumed they would not be event only. Thanks

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9x spec defense items like gaunts, boots and bracelets are already selling in shops. Spec'd shields and orbs sell too. Any fun items such as a weird spec dagger could potentially sell for little gp. Shaman spec daggers if you happen to have I'm buying lol

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