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Super boss spawn times?

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I know they spawn every three hours but is there a place to see what third hour the bosses will spawn on?

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Always at midnight server time. So, 00:xx, 03:xx.  The minute in which they spawn can be seen on the settings menu in-game (F10)


Is that what you wanted to know?

I believe so. I was not sure if different bosses had different times or if they all spawned on midnight hour then 3 am Thanks

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The little bosses spawn where ever a player is located.  If there is more than one player in the map it will pick one.  The spawning place is different every time but it will always be where a player is located.  If you are the only player in the map, it will spawn on top of you.  This includes the bosses in maps lower than lvl 80 and in ET1 and ET2.


The super bosses and elite super bosses have specific places to spawn and they are shown on the website map. (Iron1 and 2, Ice1 and 2, Lost Island, Lost Temple, CT3 and higher)

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Greedy boss take tudo gold  ::) I think boss spem 1 hor.?


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