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loot system

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This loot system failed. Fighting all the time with 2 other ppl against fury boss. Other people come short before it dies and get the drops... thats useless.. boss hunting for nothing... waste of time..

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i killed fury in P server with my friend then 1 ks and 1 fs comes, but we was killing him when he spawned and we got the drops, the other not saw it, its working good here :)

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it worked good for me, i fight against 5 15x from sn and got the drops alone, of course i did some dmg on it.

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and again 5 people party doing the most damage on valento and one person alone which is not in the party getting the drops... gm can ask me who. Im sure most people know the person and clan already...

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and again 5 people party doing the most damage on valento and one person alone which is not in the party getting the drops... gm can ask me who. Im sure most people know the person and clan already...

Right, so this is the measures we took in regards of looting:


- Eligible User is an attacker who did atleast enough damage sees drops

- 100 / total attackers / 2 = % of hp that needs to be dealt in damage to be eligible to see the drops

- Party Members of eligible users to see drop gets to see the drop as well

100/6/2 = 8,3% lol

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