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Magic APT

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Hi, today I found a lvl 104 wand with Magic APT 12. My old one had 9. Does this affect the final dmg somehow? Or the % system discarted the APT stat?


Thanks in advance!

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Magic APT train skills fastly (less cooldown)... isn't useful since we got purple skill do do this job. It was very useful too many years ago in other servers when didn't exist Skill Training crystals yet.

Doesn't make a big difference if you got a weapon with 9 or 12 Magic APT.

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Magic APT train skills fastly (less cooldown)... isn't useful since we got purple skill do do this job. It was very useful too many years ago in other servers when didn't exist Skill Training crystals yet.

Doesn't make a big difference if you got a weapon with 9 or 12 Magic APT.

According to RPT'S playertips, Magic APT increases WP. I don't know if anything changed with the new updates.

Patch Notes:


Concept of 'WP Damage' is removed


I'm not sure if this means Magic APT doesn't have any benefits at all now.

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