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S> Prs Throne Sheltom

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yes please put a/w


and pls , put a/w in DONATIONS, in RINGS, and in GOLD

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Lol eXe, lots of offers

best thing u can do, is just give it to me

we're kinda neighbours

I offer u eternal friendship wich is priceless.....  ;)


anyway, good luck selling (if u really want to)

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Uhm I have it since february... didnt know that its still the only none gm throne sheltom ingame o0


Not sure if I gonna sell it or not and if I would play again abit or not cos most of my equip is so outdated. Need to check the value 1st, so no a/w...

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Sorry, but this will be a selling topic or a chat? ._. if it keeps like that we'll have to think about a new place for it!



BTW, I wouldn't sell that. Some items are hard, but this one is impossible to get. Keep it ;)

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well c/o might be 1600kk or 40e atm...

also if you just check bids and won't sell it that's kinda useless .. so i can bid 1giga kk of billions right now

i suggest u to keep it also, and bring back ur ass in game exe :)

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Hm guess my lvl is just to low, to look for good equip updates and would be maybe a waste to trade the sheltom as many ppl said and my equip is to old for lvling.

And 1600kk or 40€ sounds not much for a unique item, duno about the current goldvalue.


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Im not sure if u made a deal by sandurr, but it might be that u are not allowed to sell this, have to talk with sandurr about this because IF u sell it, it can change the market value (seen it happen in uPT so)

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