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Misscalculation or bug

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Archer, skills Arrow of Rage and Perforation.

Let's do some math:

- my dmg, as displayed, using buff and devine force, at lvl 81, was 266-327

- Perforation, as displayed, lvl 6, does additional 62% dmg plus 24% critical chance, so, total dmg SHOULD be around (266-327)x1.62=430-529, that dmg killed ds monsters in about 4 hits (golem in 5~6);

- Arrow of Rage, as displayed, lvl 10, base lvl 81, SHOULD do base dmg + lvl*6, specifically (266-327)+486=752-813, that dmg killed ds monsters in about 7 hits (golem in 9~10);

Last time I saw, 752>430 and 813>529, and yet, it takes longer to kill with more damage. I could be wrong in this calculations, but I don't think I am, so my hypothesis is that either Perforation crits 100% of the time (with a measly 16% crit bow, wich by itself is bug), or something is very, very, bugged.

Even if Perforation crits 100% of the time, dmg shouldn't be this different, crit dmg is max*2, so 1058, golem has 2250hp, so should die in 3 hits from either 100% crit Perforation OR Arrow of Rage medium dmg.


More math:

- assuming that Perforation doesn't crit at all, and that the golem dies in 5 hits (when is 6 the very last one is pretty small), medium dmg is about 2250/5=450, calculated medium dmg from Perforation is 479, so golem has 479-450=29abs, it shouldn't, but we'll just pretend that it has

- same applyes to Arrow of Rage, but takes 9 hits, so 250 medium dmg, wich, makes no sense in any way whatsoever, my base dmg is bigger than that, even if I assumed that golem has 29abs, my base dmg would still be greater, and if AoR didn't take base dmg, only a flat lvl*6, it should be a flat dmg around 486 or 457, not 250


It boils down to this: something is wrong.


Edit: it just occurred to me that lvl*6 COULD mean SKILL lvl*6, wich would make it a +60 FLAT dmg on top of 296 medium base dmg, wich is bigger than 250, so, anyway, something is wrong.

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