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Is drastic spirit really working? At pve, should i use brandish or piercing at lower levels(80~120)? Are godly shield and divine shield actually working?

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Is drastic spirit really working? At pve, should i use brandish or piercing at lower levels(80~120)? Are godly shield and divine shield actually working?


Here's a guide



It is working.

I prefer brandish but you can choose piercing if you like it more you just have to put more effort in making groups of monsters.

Godly shield and divine shield are working but only with 1-handed weapon and shield.

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Question about Godly Shield - It says increases absorb by 25% but I don't see any changes on my stats when it's in use (though I get significant damage mitigation). Is it simply not reflected in the stats pane or is it only against undead or something?

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Question about Godly Shield - It says increases absorb by 25% but I don't see any changes on my stats when it's in use (though I get significant damage mitigation). Is it simply not reflected in the stats pane or is it only against undead or something?


True, you don't see a change in your stats but it works (when you use a shield). Godly Shield is for all kind of monsters, Divine Shield is for undead.

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