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Does crit work on area skills?

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Does crit work on area skills? For magical and physical damage, like PRS ice meteorite and ATS extreme rage, and does it work differently in each case?

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Works differently in each case.

FS's Cyclone may crit, archer's Perforation not only crits but also have an increase in crit chance, both are AoE skills. Pike's Expansion also crits, it's a linear crappy AoE skill.

Magic only crits with single target spells like Death Ray or Vigor Ball, anything else will never crit.

Everything else will never crit (e.g. Sword of Justice, Brandish, Extreme Rage, Storm Javelin, Diastrophism, Meteor, and many others).

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As a rule, no.


But there are few exceptions, the most well known is Archer Perforation.

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When i use stone strike in SL, monsters sometimes flinch. Does that mean my skill crit or something ?

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Many crits do not cause flinch on SL monsters. What causes it is a random % when a high damage is dealt.

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Many crits do not cause flinch on SL monsters. What causes it is a random % when a high damage is dealt.


i also suspect that

which is annoying because you need to stand the closest to the monster for SS to achieve the most damage hehe

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I've once heard Wartale saying that monsters has a % resistance to flinching.



Flinch always happens when a high damage is applied. Usually the % of high damage for flinching, on lower levels, matched when we struck critically our enemies. And these lower levels monsters has a low % of flinch resistance.

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