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Not trying to sabotage but i wonder how come so may 120 items now? Hopefully 125 coming out soon hehe ^^

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lol naah, just open donate for itens 120 for i'm going + 20 in my all itens  :(

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yeah open 120 itens for donate!!!!


OMG will have itens 125??


except with extra leet damage else its not needed...

you will be to be lvl 135 to wear a lvl 125+20 weap man...


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There's like 10 13x players, who could use +11 125 items


Why would they release new items if there's not even people enough that could really use it?

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There's like 10 13x players, who could use +11 125 items


Why would they release new items if there's not even people enough that could really use it?


not necessary but with the overflooded 120 items .... they will get bored again and start complaining again jst like other server ....


again ... an point of view here :D

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I don't see overflood of 120 items


Are you full 120?

Do you know anyone full 120? How many of them?


How many 12x in the server?

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120 items meant to be precious please check forum how many ppl are selling them and this had not include those not selling and using for themselves ...


hunting for items meant to be a speciality of rpt ....


anyway if this is fine then let it be .... giving opinion is not a bad thing ... isnt it ^^

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Many javs, cheap

Boots, yea boots are cool

Orb, useless

Claw, pff 110 item worth more


But that still a lot of 120 items. Luck, that don't happen to everyone

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Maybe you can sell 2 javs to buy 1 120 item, but for sure you can't do that with a claw


I see many for sale and there's no one interested on buying them. Bought one for 200kk, and I think that was high priced~

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And also only 3 days(evening) hunted yet many more to come  8)


6 120 items in 3 days?

You're lucky your clan is not Heretics, otherwise you would have had been insulted by now.

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Hey guys, do your 120 itens were all dropped from normal mobs ?


I would say that from some days ago till now ppl dropped too many 120 itens.

Maybe drop rate bug ? It happened in other server, you know.

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Hey guys, do your 120 itens were all dropped from normal mobs ?


I would say that from some days ago till now ppl dropped too many 120 itens.

Maybe drop rate bug ? It happened in other server, you know.


120 drop on any mob in et3 ...


whether bug or not is up to GM to know and i think now would be too late to do anything since market is somehow full of 120 ^^

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Hehe this is a quite interesting topic. What if no 120 items would drop at all  :o

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Many people hunt ET3 nowadays, thats why there is more 120 on the market now.

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Hey guys, do your 120 itens were all dropped from normal mobs ?


I would say that from some days ago till now ppl dropped too many 120 itens.

Maybe drop rate bug ? It happened in other server, you know.


yes normal mobs*

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Yeah, i think 120 items are becoming more popular because there are alot of people hunting at et3

people get 125 and stop leveling

So they only hunt, go BC..etc

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Yeah, i think 120 items are becoming more popular because there are alot of people hunting at et3

people get 125 and stop leveling

So they only hunt, go BC..etc


i'm thinking it too

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