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Casual School Uniform Box

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Just found this and would like to sell it. Could anyond give me a fair answer as to what it's worth? I thought asking about 2kk for it but I don't want to get ripped off (if it turns out to be worth a lot more) :P

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i often npc them :P unless i want one. You get one or two with every character when lvling from 1-100.

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They're worth around 500K unopened (because it will be the spec of whomever opens it), and then 300K opened (cos the spec is already locked).


That's my opinion of current market conditions.

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Alright guys, thanks for the answers. I might aswell keep it myself for a while until I run out of storage space :P

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They are good to wear on a brand new char until you get to level 75 and can get the find the cure outfit.  Considering up until then you're using monster crystals mostly to tank, the school outfit gives you a ton of extra mana.

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