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Thinking about starting up here, I played here forever ago but swapped back to the ePT and was off an on the last few years. I joined in yesterday and there was a GM event and quite a bit more active than ePT, nuts! Is there any tips/help that anyone can provide? I was checking out classes and trying to gauge how they line up to their ePT counterparts. in ePT the shaman/mage were almost completely useless past lvl 80~100, (side of sitting afk to give a buff for shaman). Are they balanced into being able to solo/party in higher maps in rPT? can someone hit me with a state of the classes so I can choose what I wanna go for? My highest in ePT was as/ata but I don't really wanna go for that again. Thanks guys and hope to see you in game soon!

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Yeah I was actually really surprised, a lot of classes had a few t4/t5 tweaks or diff skills, the assassin looked like the same ePT skills and really poor dmg/utility. I seen a TON of auto mechs when I first logged in, i guess they have a lot of dmg with that T5 skill? do they actually have a damaging ability with bow/jav in rPT? I started a MGS just so I could aoe/lvl solo quickly, I will probably have to make a hunt char later on, but I'll see how MGS is in late game first I suppose, it's so bad in ePT couldn't play it past 90.

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Almost all classes are balanced. All chars have their points and their counters but even mages and shamans can PvP. IMO, the worst char in RPT is the Assassin.

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thanks man ^^, glad i didn't pick assassin. One more quick question, can you wear a costume but not show it? or to get the stats of the costume you have to have it showing? Thanks everyone :)

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wait, so if you have an armor on, and put a costume in the costume slot, you lose your armor stats?

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wait, so if you have an armor on, and put a costume in the costume slot, you lose your armor stats?

Nope. You'll get only the armor stats.

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you can get buffs of costume and the aesthetics of another if you put the desired buff in the armor slot and the desired looks in the costume slot

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i thought the point of costumes was extra stats 0.o are any of the costumes even giving decent enough stats to be worn over armors? i looked over the robes in shop and theyre pretty subpar if you get to like lvl 90~100 at least. is there costumes with better stats that only drop or something?

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