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Can someone explain boss spawns and drops to me?

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I never really looked into boss battles and from what I've read it seems rather confusing :P


I just went to Valento's spawn area in Ice1 at 20:00 and waited till 20:05 (todays boss time), but it didn't spawn at all. I went to Ice2 to see if it was there, but I couldn't find it there either and there were no other players who could have lured it away. Earlier today in SoD I was just farming some gold during boss hour and Doom Lord also never showed up at the time where it should have spawned. Also, no "Boss has spawned" message appeared in the chatbox. I thought they always spawn during boss hour?


Also, when it comes to drops, from what I've seen it seems quite unfair, but not sure if I'm understanding correctly. Basically, the person who kills the boss sees the drops for 10 seconds before they become available to anyone? Or can anyone see the drops right away after dealing a certain amount of damage? Is it possible for multiple people to get drops from a single boss?


If someone could get me some info on these things it'd be much appreciated~

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Guest -Linh-

You might want to do some research:

- Some boss does not spawn every hour so check the boss under monster list. Some even appear every 30 mins

- If no message on chat to indicate boss has spawn then there is no boss at that time for that map.

- New anti loot boss has been introduced in patch 4090. So only ppl with more damage can see the drop (can be more than 1 person), so the answer is yes multiple ppl can see the drop.

- SOD doesn't appear in SOD during Boss hour, SOD has their own boss. And as far as I know SOD isn't open yet.

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Boss time time works:


Click f10 and note boss time xx:05, this is that Day boss time.


Every Day ate server time 00:00 boss time changes


Normal bosses and Babel spaws every hour at boss time


High lv boss spaws at xx:xx

0h  3h  6h 9h 12h 15h 18 21h




Valento spaws at




here xx:05 is boss time form that day


Boss rare drops are very rare like

valento ring, kelvezu amulet, gredy gautles etc


All high lv bosses can even drop coin sack



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Thanks for the answers, seems clear to me now :)


MIB[/member]: I meant Sanctuary of Darkness, not Survive or Die :P Always found that abbreviation confusing haha xD

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Guest -Linh-

Thanks for the answers, seems clear to me now :)


MIB[/member]: I meant Sanctuary of Darkness, not Survive or Die :P Always found that abbreviation confusing haha xD


:) we used to call it sanc back in the day

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