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Dark Prophet

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Well Maybe i will try to take some screenshots later... Since i am using my Lappy right now..

I dont know if it's just me or some bug in games or really part of the game..But i tried an experiment... about Dark prophet...

Yes...People most people hate if because like succubus they are all MANA SUCKERS..but for me .... DARK PROPHET has this kind of super powers LOL...

yes they suck mana but at the same time THEY are HEALERS too!.. proven and tested... i dont know how is this possible... but can someone tell me why?? lols

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but i don't use holy reflection VL and muspell only

plus if that's is true i always use holy reflection in LOC but never saw my HP recovering

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Guest TFSE

It's not holy reflection; that only does dmg ("reflects" dmg to undead mobs, but most of the time it is miniscule, and it's not a defensive skill, more offensive)


Muspell recovers your HP from undead mobs

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Guest TFSE

her HP recovers from dark prophet and she thought it was a bug


it is because muspell "sucks" hp from undead mobs.

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The Dark Prophet its easy to kill. About the "mana sucker" it's nothing cause:

1.- MUSPELL Absorb Attack from UNDEAD monsters and becomes into your HP.

2.- MUSPELL gives you extra EVASION.

3.- EXTINCTION (LVL 10) takes away half HP (52%) from UNDEAD.

4.- HOLY REFLECTION (any LVL) reflects the dagame from UNDEAD too.

and 5.- CL its powerfull enough to kill them all faster <.<!!!.

That's not should be proble for PRS cause the mana tower it's enough.

That's my small contribution =).


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nightmare for all other classes especially MGS  (at LOW LVL)

heaven for PRS

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her HP recovers from dark prophet and she thought it was a bug


it is because muspell "sucks" hp from undead mobs.


ahhh... now i undertood...




@ topic


i desagree with u

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:) this is just my opinion ^_^thats why im kinda curious and created this topic.. coz the description doesnt say about something converting absorption into HP

well thanks for the info..^___^

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:) this is just my opinion ^_^thats why im kinda curious and created this topic.. coz the description doesnt say about something converting absorption into HP

well thanks for the info..^___^


Yes, I agree with your point. The description doesn't say that it converts into HP. But in practice, in maps like ad1 (most monsters are undead) you can survive only with muspell, don't need VL ^^

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