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Wrench Question

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I was just wondering if a Wrench can be aged? If so does it do anything? Or is the best approach simply using a +1 weapon speed mix on it? I thought one guide I read said you could get the Wrench to 14 attack speed with a mix (8+4+2), but none of the mixes on the site give more than +1 weapon speed. Am I missing something? What is the best approach?


(On a side note, what does the Candy Cane / Electric Guitar actually do?)

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can i borrow your thread ? - Where do we even get a wrench?


I know we can buy it off people ... but how else can we get it ? monster drop? event?

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Wrench is a item from Coin Shop. Only by donation.


And yes, mix +1 atk spd is the best for it if you are a Spark Mech, because the skill "spark" has fix damage, that is, doesn't matter attack power of your weapon.

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Wrench is a item from Coin Shop. Only by donation.


And yes, mix +1 atk spd is the best for it if you are a Spark Mech, because the skill "spark" has fix damage, that is, doesn't matter attack power of your weapon.


Alright thanks!


Yes it's 250 coins from the Coin Shop only.


I found the answer to the Candy Cane but still not sure about the Electric Guitar.

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