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S> EXP service level 140+

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Hello everyone, I hope you are all having a great day.


I am here to offer my services as an EXP Agent for your character. All of the EXP will be done in Secret Labs' hell spawn. I EXP for an average of 50 to 60 hours per week, and will be opening my services for 2 characters at a time.


Rules and regulations:

You must provide EXP Potions for the whole duration of the service you request.

You must provide forces for the whole duration of the service you request.

You must provide gold for potions and rebirth scrolls for the whole duration of the service you request.

You must log off if you are playing the character that you have chosen to put into my EXP service when I request to begin my training for the day.

Any 138 or 140 items found along with sheltoms during training will be shared with you ONLY if you provide 3rd Eye Potions during the duration of your service.


The only classes that I will consider doing EXP for are as follows:







Here is a sample list of the prices I will be charging for my service:


140 -> 141    4,320 coins

141 -> 142    4,880 coins

142 -> 143    5,440 coins

143 -> 144    6,000 coins

144 -> 145    6,520 coins

145 -> 146    7,000 coins

146 -> 147    7,400 coins

147 -> 148    7,720 coins

148 -> 149    7,920 coins

149 -> 150    8,000 coins

150 -> 151    17,600 coins

151 -> 152    21,080 coins

152 -> 153    25,320 coins

153 -> 154    30,400 coins

154 -> 155    36,440 coins

155 -> 156    43,720 coins

156 -> 157    52,480 coins

157 -> 158    63,000 coins

158 -> 159    75,600 coins

159 -> 160    90,680 coins


You do not need to purchase a whole level at a time. You can buy my service by the exact amount of experience you wish to achieve. For every 1 trillion experience, I charge 400 coins. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to send me a private message here on the forums and I typically will respond within a few hours.



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