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Pristontale on Steam???

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Is there any possibility that the Steam will host for a realmpt server and would it be great if its on Steam?

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Its free to dream haha


it's not.. go search steam..



find it here..



it's updated too..



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I already found it but it was just a green light on steam and waiting for its release

right.. I should stop troll a bit for those less informative ones, if I'm wrong just correct me..


SUBA developers worked with steam, 3 games in steam, 5-6 greenlight and they(Valve & SUBA developers) still working to bring these to steam digital marketplace, including Priston Tale.







apparently Ept was submitted by SUBA and passed enough community votes, but then Valve and YD didn't agree, so Valve developers cannot work on the game and SUBA don't own the source code.. and recently YD sold Pt to Masangsoft..



going to steam or even garena in some countries are not bad at all.. the deserted low level area need some work though and some new side-line Quests.. also some ways to reinforce party plays.. but if u ask me, Pt is too buggy.. like captain buggy xD



links (delete space):

http://steamcomm unity.com/shared files/filede tails/?id=142844532

https://forum.subag ames.com/archive/in dex.php?t-90289.html


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