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Sell....frenzy armor donate +20

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This armor is not his to sell yet because he has not finished my XP service.


He is getting this armor, +20 extreme sword, and 1 vring.


I am currently at 122 60% and he is selling my items?


He said 125 in 10 days, it he has the rest of today and 3 days left....

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This armor is not his to sell yet because he has not finished my XP service.


He is getting this armor, +20 extreme sword, and 1 vring.


I am currently at 122 60% and he is selling my items?


He said 125 in 10 days, it he has the rest of today and 3 days left....


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This armor is not his to sell yet because he has not finished my XP service.


He is getting this armor, +20 extreme sword, and 1 vring.


I am currently at 122 60% and he is selling my items?


He said 125 in 10 days, it he has the rest of today and 3 days left....




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