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A noob question about gaining exp.

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I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this question..


Anyway, I'm still a fairly new player to rPT; and am wondering if there are any other ways to gain experience other than continuously grinding/farming/killing at FT2 at my level.

I'm currently a level 117 priestess that can solo + tank at FT2, and the experience I get is increeeedibly slow. Is this the only way to gain experience? I know there's a daily quest, but that's pretty much the only one I can see.


I have finished all the other quests as well. I tried fighting at ET1, but it's weird because I can get killed there whereas I can tank endlessly in FT2?

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Exping here is a very grindy thing. Get used to it, call some friends to exp togheter that it becomes fun eventually! Try at least exping in pair, one at each spawn of either FT3 Statue Room or in the middle, your exp will be a lot faster. Also you could do CT3 Party Quest at 120, so you could level up easier. Also at 120 you'll gain acess to Ancient Dungeon exp maps.


117~120 is not that hard! Keep it up at FT2, don't give up o/

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Exping here is a very grindy thing. Get used to it, call some friends to exp togheter that it becomes fun eventually! Try at least exping in pair, one at each spawn of either FT3 Statue Room or in the middle, your exp will be a lot faster. Also you could do CT3 Party Quest at 120, so you could level up easier. Also at 120 you'll gain acess to Ancient Dungeon exp maps.


117~120 is not that hard! Keep it up at FT2, don't give up o/


Nonono, don't get me wrong. I love the grindy feel of rPT. In fact, grinding/farming types of games are my favourite and I don't mind spending time doing it. I was just curious is all :)


Thanks for the input!

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you slowly get used to it. I remember thinking "3 hours to get a level?!" when i was 11x, thinking that was a grind. Now it takes 3 weeks to get a level and it feels fast.

Fair enough, thank you :)

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