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thank you Wartale for such a good game.

i believe newwtis  the best server in development.


yet, to be honest, very disapointed with new rPT, it is the word from my truth heart.

feel there are so many hackers here, but GMs do not do good in this area.


what is " thanks for report" mean? banned or not?

if the section moderators do not have the ability to indetify someone should be banned or not, how can he be moderator?


if someone use hack and get banned, how can he ask GM for SS as proof?


how many topic made for request unban everyday?

how many topic locked to deny the request unban everyday? 

why not locked topic if GM has comfirmed those who did use hack/bot/marcoing? GM still thinking to unban them?

no rules for keep on opening new topics to request unban the same char?



welcome to request unban section, once GMs do not lock your topic, you still have the chance to be unbanned, try your best to lie, try your best to cry.

welcome to request unban section, once GMs do not ban your IP, you can have the chance to lie, have the chance to cry.


welcome to request unban section!

well, you are welcome!






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No. You should know well what you're talking about before getting any conclusions about this subject


The Mod team help the admins verifying each new report, and we pass to them, in general lines, what's going on


And if the topics still open don't mean anyone is getting unbanned

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Guest TFSE

thanks for report -> case processed -> there is punishment but it is not disclosed

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what is " thanks for report" mean? banned or not?


I have the same question as you. The case for me should be explained like: "Thanks for report. 1 day ban, 7 days ban or whatever".

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Just out of curiosity; Why is it so important for you to know how long someones char has been banned?


Oh and to answer your question (I think). It takes quite long time to ban and put in lists already as it is and with added duration in all topics it will be even longer.


The only ones who really has to keep track on the ban can do so and thats enough for me.

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Sometime I'm to lazy to lock topics in unban request but I will try to lock them from now on  :P

To avoid confusion

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The topic owner thinks that GM should permanent ban to hackers/bot/marcoing/scamers which I'm agree with it.

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Just out of curiosity; Why is it so important for you to know how long someones char has been banned?


I think for people not involved in report cases it's not important, but for reporters it is, to know if it worths keep reporting or not. I mean mainly in "light" cases, as KS.

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The topic owner thinks that GM should permanent ban to hackers/bot/marcoing/scamers which I'm agree with it.

The topic owner said GMs don't do their work

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Sometime I'm to lazy to lock topics in unban request but I will try to lock them from now on  :P

To avoid confusion


yes you should. I have been wondering why wouldn't you do it. :)

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I have reported a very obvious hacker (who was also ksing me) and the next day I saw him in ric. Would be nice to see hackers getting the same punishment as bots and auto's, just sayin.

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I have reported a very obvious hacker (who was also ksing me) and the next day I saw him in ric. Would be nice to see hackers getting the same punishment as bots and auto's, just sayin.

Sometimes they dont get banned instantly. They are added to a list and then a GM bans them. It can take up to some days sometimes depending on how much work we have to do ;)

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I have reported a very obvious hacker (who was also ksing me) and the next day I saw him in ric. Would be nice to see hackers getting the same punishment as bots and auto's, just sayin.

Sometimes they dont get banned instantly. They are added to a list and then a GM bans them. It can take up to some days sometimes depending on how much work we have to do ;)


Fairnuff and finally a satisfying answer. Kinda makes a guy mad when a guy who was ksing him with hacks is laughing at you in ric. Shits not cool lol.

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she mean u cant unban them just becos they bump their lying post in unban section everyday

some ppl use regen hack get unbanned

some ppl try to sell their acc for real cash get unbanned

its suppose to be perm, right?


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i mean GMs are too kind to hackers/bot/marcoing/scamers.

it is really not important for me to know how long someones char has been banned, because i think they should be permanent banned.


if there is no good rules to stop the hackers/bot/marcoing/scamers, soon this game will full of hackers/bot/marcoing/scamers.

who will stay in a game full of hackers/bot/marcoing/scamers?


i think it is one of most important parts to makewtbe the best server:  no hackers/bot/marcoing/scamers here!



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Sometime I'm to lazy to lock topics in unban request but I will try to lock them from now on  :P

To avoid confusion


yes you should. I have been wondering why wouldn't you do it. :)


OMG contasanditens is human too


and he have more important things to do that locking topics of viets hackers...

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and he have more important things to do that locking topics of viets hackers...


Yeah, or BR kill stealers.

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