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Magic APT ?

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Hi, people. My question is: For GOD's SAKE, what does Magic APT of Wands and Staffs do in this server? It influences what? Damage? Cast Time? What? and... How? Does it make much of a difference in the iten's quality?

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If i dont remember wrong magic APT makes you train your skills faster. It shouldn't influence damage, cast time or anything like that ;)

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If i dont remember wrong magic APT makes you train your skills faster. It shouldn't influence damage, cast time or anything like that ;)

Would it make it more expensive in price, and what does APT even stand for?

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aptitute? dunno really, but the function of it is pretty useless on this server. We have those skill crystals you can find quite often when lvling up in normal maps. Most often you find them in low lvls.

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