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Aging Break Chance

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I'm starting to come to the stage of ageing my items, and after reading through a few pages on the website..

I'm confused as to how much the breaking chance of an item is.


According to the website:

It's important to note that the break chance isn't the fail chance; actual chance to break item is much smaller than the fail chance as it includes the possibility of de-age too.


I tried digging through the forums and the website for information regarding the break chance. I must be blind because I can't find a list of percentages.


Another question:

For instance, when trying to age an item to +14, the chance of failure is 24%. However, when using the Aging stone, the chance of failure will be reduced to 4%.

If the break chance (just an example) is at 5% and the failure chance is at 24%.. And then I use an Aging Stone (-20%); the failure chance will become 4%. Will the break chance still be 5%? Or will it go down 20% of 5% (becoming 1% break chance)?


Hopefully my questions make sense. I just want to learn everything before I probably stuff something up because I'm clumsy like that >.>

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Aging guid with failure chanse




failure is not break

failure = -1 ,-2 or break


If the age chanse is 24% and if u use age stone (20%) failure goes to 4% and breake chanse will be even less then 4%

There is not % of break in the game just fealure

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Aging guid with failure chanse




failure is not break

failure = -1 ,-2 or break


If the age chanse is 24% and if u use age stone (20%) failure goes to 4% and breake chanse will be even less then 4%

There is not % of break in the game just fealure


Although I might add, once you fail, the chance of break is actually more likely than -1 -2 from my personal experience.  So good luck.


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from my personal experience

Bad luck.


Thanks for the information though. There's not a list of %break, only %fail.

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from my personal experience

Bad luck.


Thanks for the information though. There's not a list of %break, only %fail.


I don't think you get it.  There is only failure to age in which case your item can deage -1 -2 or break.  So if your failure rate is 5%, then breaking is less than that, dare i say 1/3 of 5%.

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Ohhh yes okay now I get it. It's 1/3 every time since there's 3 possible outcomes of a failure.


Can a failure be just a failure without any consequences?

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Ohhh yes okay now I get it. It's 1/3 every time since there's 3 possible outcomes of a failure.


Can a failure be just a failure without any consequences?


nope, either -1 -2 or break.

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My theory is, when the aging fails, it is 33% chance of -2, 33% chance of -1, 33% chance of breaking


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just break my wand at +10 with 4% or 2% fail



At what point is it worth spending coins to recover a broken item?

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just break my wand at +10 with 4% or 2% fail



At what point is it worth spending coins to recover a broken item?


When the broken item costs more than 1kc

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so when I use aging stone 20% for an aging that has a 20% chance of failure the chance of failure (-1,-2,break) is 0%?

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so when I use aging stone 20% for an aging that has a 20% chance of failure the chance of failure (-1,-2,break) is 0%?


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