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Combat Text (Show DMG numbers)

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New player here, came from a server that had damage numbers and it's just awesome knowing which skill does more damage, trying out new builds, knowing how much damage you're taking with 2h with 1h/shield etc..


Anyway, I saw that Wartale had this on its settings:




But it doesn't seem to work for me. Has it not been implemented yet? I've tried relogging but when I log back in the settings are turned off.


How do I make it work?


Thanks a lot.

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Thanks for the quick reply.


Just think It should not in the options yet if it's not implemented.


Anyway, I hope they add it soon, you guys will absolutly love it.

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When they redid the settings menu for the loot filer they added the damage in even though its not usable yet.  Probably so they wouldn't have to redo the menu a second time once it is working.

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