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Good night, people. I'm trying to play the more I can do before I full jump into studying, so I won't be able to play anymore for a good period of time(but I'll play again in the future), but I haven't reached the level I'd like to reach before stopping, then I checked that ''Exp Service'' wich consists in paying a third to level up for you. But then a few doubts appeared:


1. Obviously I'll have to send my ID and Password to the Exp Agent, but is it secure? I mean, Do I have any guarantee I won't be stolen?


2.Is it monitored by the Wartale Staff? Do they check if the Exp Service forum part is working correctly?


3. In the case I get robbed, what happens? Will the person who robbed me take punishment? Will I need to prove that I got robbed? And if yes, how?


4. What are all the precautions to take before hiring an Exp Agent? Do I need to take Screenshots of everything I have in the Account? Should I keep Gold/Coins and valuable stuff off into another Account leaving only necessary Itens/Stuff the Agent will need to LVL Up?


I hope you guys answer my questions, I'll probably need Exp Service so I need to sum everything up before taking any steps, thanks for the attention.

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i can only give few answers on some of your question



What are all the precautions to take before hiring an Exp Agent? Do I need to take Screenshots of everything I have in the Account?


There are few credible people that offers EXP service (but i cant mention any name to be fair), you can check the Market Section (Sell) to see some people selling a service and by credible i mean, succeeded finishing the service, no report has been filed against them(monitor Report section as well), identities are correct and lastly, active in community.


Yes screenshots are the best way to have proofs, when things go south



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Guest -Linh-

1. Obviously I'll have to send my ID and Password to the Exp Agent, but is it secure? I mean, Do I have any guarantee I won't be stolen?

- No it is not, and no guarantee it won't be stolen


2.Is it monitored by the Wartale Staff? Do they check if the Exp Service forum part is working correctly?

- No they don't.


3. In the case I get robbed, what happens? Will the person who robbed me take punishment? Will I need to prove that I got robbed? And if yes, how?

- Make report ASAP, they GM will recover for you and ofc scammer will get punished. When doing exp service you need to make topic in exchange where you and exper confirm the deal, and ofc you will need to show proof the account is yours such as email, old pw... thing that only real owner would know...


4. What are all the precautions to take before hiring an Exp Agent? Do I need to take Screenshots of everything I have in the Account? Should I keep Gold/Coins and valuable stuff off into another Account leaving only necessary Itens/Stuff the Agent will need to LVL Up?

- Hire someone with high reputation, you should be able to see it yourselves by checking their previous post, their post-counts and past services...

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1. Obviously I'll have to send my ID and Password to the Exp Agent, but is it secure? I mean, Do I have any guarantee I won't be stolen?

- No it is not, and no guarantee it won't be stolen


2.Is it monitored by the Wartale Staff? Do they check if the Exp Service forum part is working correctly?

- No they don't.


3. In the case I get robbed, what happens? Will the person who robbed me take punishment? Will I need to prove that I got robbed? And if yes, how?

- Make report ASAP, they GM will recover for you and ofc scammer will get punished. When doing exp service you need to make topic in exchange where you and exper confirm the deal, and ofc you will need to show proof the account is yours such as email, old pw... thing that only real owner would know...


4. What are all the precautions to take before hiring an Exp Agent? Do I need to take Screenshots of everything I have in the Account? Should I keep Gold/Coins and valuable stuff off into another Account leaving only necessary Itens/Stuff the Agent will need to LVL Up?

- Hire someone with high reputation, you should be able to see it yourselves by checking their previous post, their post-counts and past services...

You answered all my questions in a organized way, thanks a lot. It seems kinda risky but everything depends on the Exp Agent reputation and honesty, like buying at online auction/market sites from other people, some sellers are really trustworthy.

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I think need registration to exp agent and a one section for it

and only exp agent with registration can sell exp service

and with it we can have all support of staff if have some troubles in exp service deal


and if any player choice a non official exp agent and he get scammed both players banned =)


like old days of upt

Agreed. This would make Exp Buying and Selling more neat, trustable and organized. :P

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We are against account sharing, which means if we made a board for EXP services, we would be contradicting our own terms.

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We are against account sharing, which means if we made a board for EXP services, we would be contradicting our own terms.


I understand, but in the case, it wouldn't be ''account sharing'' properly said, but more of a formal contract, where you pay a registered and authorized Exp Agent to lvl up for you, he gives you your XP, and you give him his payment, and after the job is done, you take your account back. And like Krika said, who tried to do XP Buying and Selling through unauthorized ways would take a punishment.


I think this is very neat and also a good option for people who can't afford to expend a lot of time playing and grinding due to studying/working. I know that there're people that think this is not cool, paying others to play for you, but like I said before, not everyone have the time to grind, because you know, Wartale is a Grinding Server/Hard Expeing server(which is good), so Exp selling is something to be analysed and considered.


And moreover, it also boosts the economy of the server, which never ceases to be something good. =p

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Yes, Priston tale used to be a only spamming one skill for too many hours straight game and nothing else to do. However, we've released many new features such as daily quests, party quests and even Hell's Gate to prevent players from always having to do the same tedious stuff. This allowed any player to make their time worth by training even if it's just a hour or two every day and receiving the quests EXP reward. In fact, I think this is the only game where I see people doing EXP service in other people's accounts, not sure who invented it.

What I'm trying to say is that we the staff, would much rather if everyone played on their own account and never shared it or let anyone else log it. Reason: If you share your account with a potential scammer, it will make our job much harder in trying to figure out if you were involved in it or not and not only that, but your account sharer could misbehave in your account and then your character is the one receiving a warning or punishment.

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In fact, I think this is the only game where I see people doing EXP service in other people's accounts, not sure who invented it.

Also the only game that requires you to play for over 3 months straight, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 4 weeks a month, for 25% of the year to gain 1 level. Hence, why people "invented" exp service.

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Also the only game that requires you to play for over 3 months straight, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 4 weeks a month, for 25% of the year to gain 1 level. Hence, why people "invented" exp service.


Yes, I know that, just don't know who invented it. :P

Training is only that hard as you say because we're still yet to release the quests for those really high level characters. Every other game has hundreds of people working in it, otherwise we would be adding a lot of new content as well, creativity is not a problem for us. Hence, why it makes this game so special, because it has its unique play style.

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Also the only game that requires you to play for over 3 months straight, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 4 weeks a month, for 25% of the year to gain 1 level. Hence, why people "invented" exp service.


Yes, I know that, just don't know who invented it. :P

Training is only that hard as you say because we're still yet to release the quests for those really high level characters. Every other game has hundreds of people working in it, otherwise we would be adding a lot of new content as well, creativity is not a problem for us. Hence, why it makes this game so special, because it has its unique play style.

If there is a demand for exp, someone will supply it. Not sure who was the first one though.  ;)

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