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mobs teleport to killer

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in the past when u attack a monster and it get stucked he teleport to the last player who dealt dmg on it. It was good because ppl couldn´t stuck monsters/boss and kill safer without tanking. On the last patch it changed now the monsters doesnt teleport, and it also is bad while luring since u attack and it teleport when stuck.


It will be like before or its the new play style?



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Mobs still teleporting to your place as before.


i dont feel that while playing, specially bosses, i saw a low lvl mage killing fury stucked on the wall...

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Ye it doesn't teleport anymore. thats why alot of people getting annoyed to lure in diq specifically in the castle hs2.

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- D E A T H S T R O K E -

At least mobs do not teleport to priestess and hit kill them,that was happening a lot before in SL hs, but, now it is hard to lure :P

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At least mobs do not teleport to priestess and hit kill them,that was happening a lot before in SL hs, but, now it is hard to lure :P


i prefer the old style, played need to pay attention when mobs teleport. U see many ppl getting afk while playing on DIQ specially prs and ss.

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When luring in DIQ

Mobs can get stucked on something while trying to follow you, if this mob can't get free, it will teleport to where it respawned before.

And it wil not follow you, will just look at your char, then you need to hit the mob to it start to follow you again.


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