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General Knowledge Event

- and yes this is general knowledge, you should now all this!



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The first person who answer all the questions below correct will win a third eye (48 hours) and an exp potion (48 hours).


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Question 1:

What is the answer according to Douglas Adams


Question 2:

What does bellum mean?


Question 3:

BSB is the acronym for which band?


Question 4:

Priston is a village located in which country?


Question 5:

On five cards a symbol is printed on each side. One of the cards has the symbol ♣ on one side and ♠ on the other side, one carries the symbols ♠ and ♥, one has ♦ and ♣, one has ♥ and ♦, and, finally, there is one with ♦ and ♠. I shuffle the cards and lay them out in a row on the table. You see the symbols:♦ ♣ ♠ ♣ ♦


Which symbol is on the back of the card in the middle?


Answer options:

A) ♦

B) ♥

C) ♠

D) ♣

E) It cannot be decided


Question 6:

“Think of a number. Add 3. Multiply the result by 4. Subtract 6 from the result. Divide the result by 2. Subtract 1.” So Søren tells me, and if I now tell him which result I have got to he can tell me immediately which number I thought of originally. What can Søren do to my final result in order to get to my secret starting number?


Answer options:

A) Multiply it by 2

B) Divide it by 2 and subtract 1

C) Multiply it by 2 and add 1

D) Divide it by 4

E) Add 3


Question 7:

Anna needs to finish two subjects in order to have completed her education. If she gets 12 in both of them the average of her marks will be exactly 8. If she gets 2 in both subjects it will be exactly 7. Of how many subjects does the education consist?


Answer options:

A) 4

B) 5

C) 10

D) 12

E) 20


Question 8:

When waswtopen?


Question 9:

Which monster spawns another, smaller monster?


Question 10:

What is Wartale's Vigor Ball's attack power?



He is wearing perfect oracle wand +18

His vigor ball is level 10

He has 613 spirit



Have fun!

- TFSE and Wartale  ;)

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1: 42

2: War

3: Back Street Boys

4: England

5: B)

6: B)

7: D)

8: It was open to public on December 16, 2009, 23:30:45 server time.

9: Vampiric Machine

10: 1426-1463

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1: 42

2: War

3: BackStreet Boys

4: British

5: B)

6: B)

7: E)

8: December 16, 2009, 23:30:45

9: Vampiric Machine

10:66(+1360) - 91(+1372) = 1426 - 1463

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1: 42

2: War

3: Back Street Boys

4: England

5: B)

6: B)

7: E)

8: It was open to public on December 16, 2009, 23:30:45 server time.

9: Vampiric Machine

10: 66(+1360) - 91(+1372) = 1426 - 1463

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1: 42

2: War

3: Back Street Boys

4: United Kingdom

5: B

6: B

7: E

8: December 16, 2009, 23:30:45 server time.

9: Vampiric Machine

10: 1426-1463

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1: 42

2: War

3: Back Street Boys

4: England

5: B

6: B

7: E

8: It was open to public on December 16, 2009, 23:30:45 server time.

9: Vampiric Machine

10: 66(+1360) - 91(+1372) = 1426 - 1463

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1.  a random number that was picked as a joke, 42

2.  war

3.  backstreet boys

4.  england

5.  B

6.  B

7.  E

8.  11/9/2009

9.  vampiric machine

10.  1426 - 1463

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1: 42

2: War

3: Back Street Boys

4: England

5: B)

6: B)

7: E)

8: It was open to public on December 16, 2009, 23:30:45 server time.

9: Vampiric Machine

10: 66(+1360) - 91(+1372) = 1426 - 1463


and we have a winner! Congratulations  ;D


You will receive your reward soon, pm me your account name.


To everyone: Thank you for participating! cya next time  ;)

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