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Can i play with keyborad only??

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I dont want use my mouse can i play with keybord or only attck with keybord??

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Nope unless you change some settings somehow "there is no in game setting for it" to somehow do it

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Maybe you can attack, but how are you supposed to target any monsters? Only way to do that atm is clicking on them ;)

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Yeah exactly my point you can do all but you cant target enemies atm

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Maybe you can attack, but how are you supposed to

target any monsters? Only way to do that atm is clicking on them ;)

No problem i have mini cumputer i use the pad mouse for target

So how i can change attack button left and right on mouse

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Wait until distorted forest comes out.  Ha!  That map is sooo frustrating I dont know how anyone can and would even want to play with just a keyboard.

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you cant pick up items without a mouse, you cant sell items without a mouse, you cant target any characters or add skills points or stat points, you cant move around without a mouse. Or am I seriously misinformed about the games controls? Somebody should do a comprehensive guide on the controls of the game since atleast I am unaware of such possibilities.

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