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120 shanam

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my skill Inner Peace  lv10 Advent Migal lv10 Rainmaker lv10 Phantom Call lv10


Scratch lv10 next make what kill better  ?(T1~T3)

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Hi bro!

I'm 125 shaman atm, I can share my build, get the skills from above first:



Tier 1-3:

Rainmaker 10

Advant migal 10

Scratch 10

Inner peace 10

Inertia 10

Rest on stun skill

And for 132+ Ill lvl the skill that lures monsters too.




Tier 4:

Advant midranda 10 first ofc

Summon skill 10

Mourning pray 10

Rest on judgement




Phantom nail 10, ur Aoe( even at exp maps, just try to stick to a monster and spam it, got a better range than what it shows as an effect)


Occult life 10

Rest on creed.




Strengh: as low as possible for items

Spirit: rest of ur points

Tal: for items

Agi: low as possibale for items( can be 72 agi to use boots +106 brace \ enough for brace of your lvl, 72 agi for exp with aoe, and brace for your lvl if you want to pvp\ 1v1 hunt. I personally use 106 brace till 134, and get hell brace for good ar with decent req, and crit)


Health: for any pve act, base, for pvp you can argue about it and put 50-150 depends on lvl. Personally I put it base, shamans got % based skills, and huge damage boost, so note it for any little attack pow added, is a nice change in damage of skills)


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