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SL mobs harder?

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Since maintenance today none can tank SL hs anymore We tried with Mr.Ly 159 ms with vl died 24/7 cause mobs hit ALOT more now, is it changed or bugged?




EDIT: Tried with 151 ms and 150 ms too they died in seconds

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gm changed or bug im sure after maintenance cant tank same before it seems gm make game harder harder

to make pt in SL is really hard then now hard to tank it will be more harder please change it back to normal


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Yes, something is wrong now, if you use Gravitation and have 2 ks or anyclass that need to stay close mobs to attack , you hp will down so fast, mech 159 full lasts items can't tank hs sl more.

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Yes, something is wrong now, if you use Gravitation and have 2 ks or anyclass that need to stay close mobs to attack , you hp will down so fast, mech 159 full lasts items can't tank hs sl more.


not wrong, its hunt map, no exp map

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Yes, something is wrong now, if you use Gravitation and have 2 ks or anyclass that need to stay close mobs to attack , you hp will down so fast, mech 159 full lasts items can't tank hs sl more.


not wrong, its hunt map, no exp map

Wich is getting an party Q = exp map same as ETQ and DiQ and its bugged atm we know what we are talking about

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