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Being a newbie is not easy here

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Well basically I dont know if it is that I have really bad luck or it really is difficult to start playing here, I started 2 days ago it was really smooth untill I got to lvl 80, and well after looting some money I was able to purchase the lvl 80 weapon and tunic for my prs, from that point on I havent been able to change my equipment, Im lvl 100 at the moment with my lvl 80 gear still because ppl just wont sale "low lvl" equipment, all I see is lvl 120+ and of course the places I can fight are really hard for me.


I tried asking for help to re spec an item and after a lot of time finally someone decided to help me with my question about How on earth do I do it (because I had to buy lvl 80 from the store and re spec to prs), the person told me I had to use 2 jeras + 2 nied, of course it failed, I tried like 3 times and It failed over and over again (being noob I thought I was doing somehting wrong), of course after spending all my money buying jeras, nieds, etc the persone finally told me "huehuehue new player" and I couldnt pm him again, ok cool im not gonna say all the community is bad just for that player but it would be nice that any of those 50+ players I see in  ricarten wouuld have helped, I was asking for information no for money.


Also I know its invasive to pm someone asking for somethhing but at least ppl could answer "no" instead of ignoring, that happenned today, I pmed a lot of ppl asking if they had old prs equipment for lvl 100 or if they could tell me if they find any while lvling in high lvl maps.... just 1 answer telling me "I am 130 xD"...


Also tried to look for clan but no luck there either, I belive everyone is just too busy lvling or selling accounts.


Well Thats all, I guess I just needed to let some steam out, Im not gonna quit playing but seriously, we need a more friendly community at least for new people.


P.S> If any kind soul reads this and would like to help me gear I would really appreciate it.

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Whats your in game character name? I'll give you 50kk gold when the server is back online in a few minutes. That should help you buy equipment for the near future.


Also if you have any questions regarding information, shoot me a pm.

Edited by TrapHouse
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DevineHuntress, VirtualLifeMule,-Vultur.Venator- 


PM any of those i am more or less always online i help out anyway i can ^^

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19 minutes ago, TrapHouse said:

Whats your in game character name? I'll give you 50kk gold when the server is back online in a few minutes. That should help you buy equipment for the near future.


Also if you have any questions regarding information, shoot me a pm.

My ign is "tengohielito" but don't worry about the money I can always run around xD but thx for the offer of information!, oh any idea if this is scheduled maintenance or some kind of event? 

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4 minutes ago, Robin564 said:

DevineHuntress, VirtualLifeMule,-Vultur.Venator- 


PM any of those i am more or less always online i help out anyway i can ^^

Virtuallifemule xD thx! I will try and pm you

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Just now, xaitox said:

Virtuallifemule xD thx! I will try and pm you

Haha yeah its only for VL in bc more or less but atm i hit my head or somthing and are lvling it "no ide why" xD I probably be on -Vultur.Venator- mostly atm since i use that one to boost my prs, otherwise i am on DevineHuntress since thats my main ^^

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Just now, xaitox said:

My ign is "tengohielito" but don't worry about the money I can always run around xD but thx for the offer of information!, oh any idea if this is scheduled maintenance or some kind of event? 

Its the least I could do, after reading your post I know your deserving of a little help. The maintenance was not scheduled, but it does not pertain to any event changes. The clan master system is being updated and some new features allowing you to create a secondary password to your account that gives you more comfort in sharing your account with someone else but with limitations and some other minor fixes. By going to user.wartale.com you can view the "Set Share Password" feature to get a more in depth look as to what I am talking about. I will shoot you a message in game when the server is online.

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1 minute ago, TrapHouse said:

Its the least I could do, after reading your post I know your deserving of a little help. The maintenance was not scheduled, but it does not pertain to any event changes. The clan master system is being updated and some new features allowing you to create a secondary password to your account that gives you more comfort in sharing your account with someone else but with limitations and some other minor fixes. By going to user.wartale.com you can view the "Set Share Password" feature to get a more in depth look as to what I am talking about. I will shoot you a message in game when the server is online.

Oh I belive that sharing password is for something like buff shared accounts? Seems like a good thing to do, for me the server  still shows maintenance, is there any way I can check the status? Besides the obvious clicking the icon lol

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Just now, xaitox said:

Oh I belive that sharing password is for something like buff shared accounts? Seems like a good thing to do, for me the server  still shows maintenance, is there any way I can check the status? Besides the obvious clicking the icon lol

Well you can always watch all those "why is there maintenance" "maintenance" etc etc etc topics where people go hysterical over an maintenance people usally spam "UP!" or somthing when its up again but, to answer your question there isent anyway atm to check except try to start the game since the website is still under progres, at front page it usally says "Online" or "Maintenance" normally ^^

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Just now, xaitox said:

Oh I belive that sharing password is for something like buff shared accounts? Seems like a good thing to do, for me the server  still shows maintenance, is there any way I can check the status? Besides the obvious clicking the icon lol


Its biggest use would be for people that pay for EXP service, since account sharing is technically not supported. No way to check the status on the maintenance, just open the launcher and it will automatically keep refreshing until the server is put back online at which time will automatically update for you. 

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5 minutes ago, Robin564 said:

Haha yeah its only for VL in bc more or less but atm i hit my head or somthing and are lvling it "no ide why" xD I probably be on -Vultur.Venator- mostly atm since i use that one to boost my prs, otherwise i am on DevineHuntress since thats my main ^^

I started a Knight since I use to play one yeeeeeears ago in the official priston  tale (before it went to suba games) but now I have a prs, since I have noone to play and mostly play alone I tought that a prs would be a good aoe but after reading your "I hit my head and I'm lvling" I think I choose poorly? 

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Just now, xaitox said:

I started a Knight since I use to play one yeeeeeears ago in the official priston  tale (before it went to suba games) but now I have a prs, since I have noone to play and mostly play alone I tought that a prs would be a good aoe but after reading your "I hit my head and I'm lvling" I think I choose poorly? 

Ohh yeah prs is great, i just meant that i got 14-15x accs and alot of money and insteed of buying an account i am lvling it myself i been around since 2009 so i lvled ALOT of chars from 1 and up and its kinda.......meh now doing that first part for the 50th time or so xD

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1 minute ago, TrapHouse said:


Its biggest use would be for people that pay for EXP service, since account sharing is technically not supported. No way to check the status on the maintenance, just open the launcher and it will automatically keep refreshing until the server is put back online at which time will automatically update for you. 

Why would anyone pay for exp service? I mean lvling is part of the adventure, well I guess that if you get paid for living other ppl experience is not bad at all xD 

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1 minute ago, xaitox said:

I started a Knight since I use to play one yeeeeeears ago in the official priston  tale (before it went to suba games) but now I have a prs, since I have noone to play and mostly play alone I tought that a prs would be a good aoe but after reading your "I hit my head and I'm lvling" I think I choose poorly? 


Actually, Knights have the strongest AOE skill in the server currently. Its a tier 5 skill called Lightning Sword, and its damage is far superior to Priestess' Ice Metor.

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Just now, xaitox said:

Why would anyone pay for exp service? I mean lvling is part of the adventure, well I guess that if you get paid for living other ppl experience is not bad at all xD 

Well some people are to lazy "absolutly not mentioning myself here xD" or just dont have alot of time to lvl or simply just wanna be top lvl so they play and let others play when they sleep etc etc ^^ 

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1 minute ago, xaitox said:

Why would anyone pay for exp service? I mean lvling is part of the adventure, well I guess that if you get paid for living other ppl experience is not bad at all xD 

On high levels its extremely time consuming. Some levels take multiple months to achieve even if the character is EXP'd 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

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1 minute ago, Robin564 said:

Ohh yeah prs is great, i just meant that i got 14-15x accs and alot of money and insteed of buying an account i am lvling it myself i been around since 2009 so i lvled ALOT of chars from 1 and up and its kinda.......meh now doing that first part for the 50th time or so xD

The only thing I don't like about the prs is the glass cannon part, I guess I will use some points in heath, atm I have 81 str, 81agi, 81tal and the rest in spirit, maybe some health points won't be a bad idea, or just I'm getting owned because of the gear. 

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1 minute ago, TrapHouse said:


Actually, Knights have the strongest AOE skill in the server currently. Its a tier 5 skill called Lightning Sword, and its damage is far superior to Priestess' Ice Metor.

Well thats true but not untill 132+ so for a new person a prs is great for all kinds of different reasons, and here its okay to trade/sell accs so if you dont like your char you can always just sell it and buy a new one or trade it ^^

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2 minutes ago, TrapHouse said:


Actually, Knights have the strongest AOE skill in the server currently. Its a tier 5 skill called Lightning Sword, and its damage is far superior to Priestess' Ice Metor.

Rly? And they can tank better, well maybe laaater after I farm my prs I will try the Knight. 

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Just now, xaitox said:

The only thing I don't like about the prs is the glass cannon part, I guess I will use some points in heath, atm I have 81 str, 81agi, 81tal and the rest in spirit, maybe some health points won't be a bad idea, or just I'm getting owned because of the gear. 

On my 115 prs i got like 150 health points rest spirit i know people who use more, its mostly gear and a mix "even noob mixes" helps ALOT :3

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Just now, xaitox said:

Rly? And they can tank better, well maybe laaater after I farm my prs I will try the Knight. 

Well yeah but thats after 132+ so its still far away and as i mentioned you can always sell and trade accs here for others so dont worry to much about chars ^^

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Just now, Robin564 said:

Well yeah but thats after 132+ so its still far away and as i mentioned you can always sell and trade accs here for others so dont worry to much about chars ^^

I won't, I would like to see my prs hitting like a truck (maybe just like a Chevy nova) but you get the point, oh and I noticed you were absolutely not talking about you when u said "lazy ppl" *wink wink*

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6 minutes ago, TrapHouse said:

On high levels its extremely time consuming. Some levels take multiple months to achieve even if the character is EXP'd 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Sounds like a pain In the lower back. 

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Just now, xaitox said:

Sounds like a pain In the lower back. 


Yea, tell me about it. For back pain I take the pill located in my profile picture.

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