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Again Mage 1 hit down attack?

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When will the staff decide whether to increase or decrease damage to this class?

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Can you give some more details?

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? mage era. I see less than 4 mages each siege war, if they are that overpower than they will be a lot more popular

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23 minutes ago, heoantap said:

? mage era. I see less than 4 mages each siege war, if they are that overpower than they will be a lot more popular


Or that they are so overpowered that everyone knows not to change into a mage because its certain a nerf will eventually come.

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They should balance mage, ata and ass with the other classes, it is very unfair. It gets tricky to play and to market items too!

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why should a good thing be nerfed? btw, i got no high lvl mage. the usual argument in favor of nerfing is "to balance the game". but a counter argument would be, isn't everyone free to also create or acquire the perceive character that supposedly "needs" nerfing. also another counter argument is that, skills of the character is not alone the variable, there are lot more others i.e., computer speed, connection speed, a player's ingenuity, finger dexterity and more. ergo, it can never be balance.

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On 2017-5-15 at 1:17 PM, KriKa. said:

Lol what more details need?

Mage are totally unbanlanced, kill with stone spike like old days

Tank and kill alot , tank more than mech and kill more than archer


What Sandro meaning, mage with 1 Death Ray kill


Its the mage era in server =)


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- D E A T H S T R O K E -


I disagree, there is no other variable in a hit kill,finger dexterity ? Computer speed? Death ray is just hit killing, nothing could stop this, unless haundreds of points in health.

Also, you said some players are playing as mage now, and due that it can't be nerfed, well, so everytime GM do a balance mistake, they should keep it overpower? Isn't it unfair for other 9 classes? For me it was extremely unfair an auto ms killing 2 times faster than many classes without expending a single mp or stm potion, now that they add consumption, lots of Ms whined, but it was necessary, as it is now to balance mage.

Edited by - D E A T H S T R O K E -

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6 hours ago, GreatKing said:

skills of the character is not alone the variable, there are lot more others i.e., computer speed, connection speed, a player's ingenuity, finger dexterity and more.


Lol, a skill that has no delay and has the ability to kill players in 1 cast makes everything you said irreverent. Theoretically, a 15x mage can kill 5 15x players in 5 seconds with 5 clicks.

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Still mages are way weaker than they were before. I dont care about Pvp and I suffer a lot in leveling up. 1 or 2 stone spikes mean 1 mystic mana potion.


Mages were much better in the past, they could tank more and who creates a mage to pvp Imo? That's not the main goal anyways

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7 hours ago, maktubtanker said:

1 or 2 stone spikes mean 1 mystic mana potion.


Mages were much better in the past, they could tank more and who creates a mage to pvp Imo? That's not the main goal anyways


Don't use Energy Shield level 10, it drains your mana very fast.


Who creates a mage for pvp? It's not their main goal? Your correct, and that is the problem. Just take for instance Siege Wars, A Magiciain can go all the way up to the Valhala tower and use Stone Spike with its huge area that will cause damage on every single melee character that is attacking the tower. Also, it never misses, and does massive damage. Combine that massively overpowered skill in PvP with the ability to use distortion which ALSO has a big area, and your pretty set off. High level Magicians are able to add stats into health and still do super high damage because of the 138 wand being 1 handed, and orbs having huge defense, along with energy shield.


I wonder what would happen if 10 characters from any given clan that are 149+ (able to use 138 +22 wand) changed their class into magician and went into BC or SW at the same time. It would absolutely ruin the game for everyone, since it would be impossible for even 160 Mechanicans with full health builds to tank that many Stone Spikes. Maybe then the unbalance of Magicians in PvP would be looked into further.

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Also, don't even get me started with Death Rays' damage in PvP.

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i think what you said is just a theory... 10 characters of any class doing the same aoe skill will result in a massive death numbers lol


and the SS thing, yes it's very strong. But you can barely survive after one cast because of its long animation. So i think that's fair. One more thing: you need to stand right next to the target to one shot anyone.

Edited by heoantap

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14 minutes ago, heoantap said:

i think what you said is just a theory... 10 characters of any class doing the same aoe skill will result in a massive death numbers lol


Sure, but can they all tank as well as Magicans while doing that damage? No, that is the point.


What class can use an AOE skill while tanking at the same time that does damage anywhere near the same as Stone Spike does? Does that same class have the ability to 1 hit kill players with another skill that has no delay? Does that same class have the ability to remove 100-200 stats from their main attack power stat to add into health without suffering major consequences? Does that same class have the ability to slow down everyone's attack/running speed that is even close to them during PvP?


Don't speak what you don't know of.

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23 minutes ago, heoantap said:

and the SS thing, yes it's very strong. But you can barely survive after one cast because of its long animation. So i think that's fair. One more thing: you need to stand right next to the target to one shot anyone.


Barely survive after one cast because of its long animation? I hope you are not talking about PvP. Magicains have super high defense due to the aging formula on Orbs. Magicians have above average health because of the ability to add stats into health from spirit. Magicians have Energy Shield that absorb A LOT of incoming damage from players. Magicians have distortion that slows enemy attack power, thus giving more opportunity to use health potions. The fact that you said "you need to stand right next to the target to one shot anyone" in itself is an admission that the skill is to strong. Weather you are right next to the person, or on the other side of the map, and AOE skill should NOT 1 shot anyone, that is absurd. So instead of 1 shotting them while standing on top of them, you can use 2 shots and kill the whole perimeter around you. GG.


Please do not say Magicains can barely survive one cast of Stone Spike in PvP. You sound ridiculous.

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