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Mech gonna kicking ass after this patch?

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Mamixize wtf, 200%, its insane and its working


Great Smash, woohoo, new massive effective killing skill 100%hit AOE, 100%atp boost


will it take place over from the castrated Expansion?(spamable, fast, 100%hit AOE, long range, high ATPboost)


have all classss access except MS(no have a high lvl one)


its only my wild guess


cant wait to see the new changes


but have to sleep now, bb


(back to question of the title)

GOGO 12x MS to try the skills out, have to let u to find out



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Great Smash isn't like that, the website is wrong


200% maximize is weapon damage, and that just affect max damage, so the average increases just like knigh's God Bless



Sorry, mech's won't turn into mass killers

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Great Smash isn't like that, the website is wrong


200% maximize is weapon damage, and that just affect max damage, so the average increases just like knigh's God Bless



Sorry, mech's won't turn into mass killers

but i rmb GreatSmash is a AOE skill(not grand)

yes i know maximize is only max dmg, but 200% is huge

u try out, u mech


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Keep dreaming with great smash with these stats!



Of course, if they do, mech will REALLY kick lot of asses, but i don't bet in this. If they fix the bugs of mech, Mech will be good, but not overpower.

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The area damage of Great Smash is very low.It's like Lv/2.

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Great Smash description on website is wrong, it's pretty weak skill


And it affects nearby enemies in a small area, just like Expansion. They cann it splash damage or something



200% of max damage of weapon added to max char dmg ain't that much, will be like adding 300 damage to the max, raising the average damage by 150


But mechs got lowest critical, worst PvP attack skill of all meeles, + their damage is kinda low. For sure mech will kill something with that, but I don't believe will be something godlike

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So what is great smash at? Is it 100% atk rtg/pwr? If so I might want to try it out.

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Great Smash description on website is wrong, it's pretty weak skill

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Great Smash description on website is wrong, it's pretty weak skill

Last time I checked 100% atk rtg and atk pwr is not very weak. That's why I'm asking what it's at, not what it isn't at. Good job on making a post that helped in revealing absolutely nothing on the subject that I asked. High five bro!

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I say it don't add 100% atk pow or atk rate, because the description on the website is wrong, the skill ingame is weak


If you take a look ingame you'll see the skill just add a little dmg, nothing more

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See that helped a little bit more. Anyone know the true stats of great smash at lvl 10?

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