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FS vs MS vs KS

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So, i have a priest for leveling and will start my main character today. But here is the thing, i hate to have a character that everyone has... it seems that everybody has a MS right now. So, i was thinking about making a KS or a FS. Which one should i choose? Which areas each one succeed? I really like BC but also love endgame boss fights. Can you guys help me?

Então, eu tenho uma sacer pra upar e vou começar meu personagem principal hoje. Mas o problema é o seguinte, eu odeio ter um personagem que todo mundo tem... me parece que todo mundo tem um MS nesse server. Então, eu estava pensando em criar um KS ou um FS.  Qual deles eu deveria escolher? Em que areas eles são fortes? Eu gosto muito de BC mas eu adoro as lutas de boss de final de jogo. Vocês podem me ajudar?

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ks the best for bosses/exp sod etc but bc he is weak if you use 2h die fast but if you use 1h can tank and kill +- fs and ks is same for pvp also ms 


fs is bc bc bc bc bc 


so i think choice ks 

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