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Berserker for fs lol

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hi, was wondering why the magic of the BERSERK tier4 -60 fs cut abs fighter? the knight has the same magic to add injury and not lose anything, FS is the one who loses -60 abs, why not simply -60 draw the abs and leave as is?

sry my english,BB =*

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Apparently Berserk is -30Abs now, not -60Abs.


Or atleast that's what's going to happen.

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and even if it's 30, lol, by losing 30 of abs? fs is very hurt by this, why not lose 30 knight too?

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Yeah I should tell you something:


The skill lists aren't always correct.

Example of this: Wind Arrow says it never misses, and it does.


If you read the notice yesterday on the homepage, Wartale said he reduced the -60 penalty to -30.


If he hasn't done that, then he intends on doing it, I already said this in my first post.

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I know it, you understand .. but I still feel very uneven FS -30 lose abs ..

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Yeah Fighters are unloved.

In my opinion Knights need a nerf and Fighter needs Rage of Zecram to function like Brandish.


But I'm not clever enough to do the coding for this stuff, so I can't exactly help with these ideas.

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I think Rage of Zecram should be increased 'area' and the damage should be in % (50% add ak pwer, for example) and remove the berserker abs and leave like this ..

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u know why this skill called berserker?


btw another topic whine


its like happen in everyday

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dude, what I wanted was balance, and I think unfair FS abs and lose the -30, KS (FOR EXAMPLE) 100-100 win and not lose anything, only that..:S

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u want balance ? this topic is just ridiculus . remove ur destroyer skill if u want beserker - 0 abs . everything has balance ! dont wish for anothing over limit . READ THIS AND GO SLEEP : EVERY BODY KNOWS FIGHTER IS THE BEST CHAR IN PVP ! SO WHAT THE FCUK ARE U COMPLAINING ABOUT ?  you even want fighter to have a skill like brandish<<<< WTF then who would wanna play other character ?

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best char in pvp? just for you.

and that to talk like a retard? you are one? just did a question, if I had delayed going to bed you have to be hospitalized.


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Knights are overpowered, God Bless should be weaker. Fighters already got bad abs, even -30 abs is too much


That's it



It's ridiculous how some knight players need to cry about someone else's opinion when that is about making the game more fair to others

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It's ridiculous how some knight players need to cry about someone else's opinion when that is about making the game more fair to others

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u want balance ? this topic is just ridiculus . remove ur destroyer skill if u want beserker - 0 abs . everything has balance ! dont wish for anothing over limit . READ THIS AND GO SLEEP : EVERY BODY KNOWS FIGHTER IS THE BEST CHAR IN PVP ! SO WHAT THE FCUK ARE U COMPLAINING ABOUT ?  you even want fighter to have a skill like brandish<<<< WTF then who would wanna play other character ?


Are you serious?

So you're saying, if Fighter had a balanced AoE skill like Knight does, then everyone would play Fighter?

So you'd rather everyone stick with Knights, Pikes & Ata?


Yeah ok, cause that's balanced. <---This is sarcasm by the way, you may not understand this.

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all im saying is that fs IS KNOWN AS THE FCUKING GOOD PVP CHAR ! now u want more shits edited with it to make it stronger ? that is just dumb ! go make some other suggestion except for this stupiddumbnoobidiototic topic ( im saying this to the topic creator only ) do u think it is easy to edit a char ? GMs dont have time for this shit ! instead of suggesting them to hurry on tier5 or fixing bugs etc .... u make this stupid topic ! get real !

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Put -60 abs penalty for knight's God Bless too, and take off their hidden powers on skills



Then let's see what happens~

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Consider Fighter mastery skills, Avening Crash with 95% added damage + atk rating from weapon + 15% critical (brutal lv 10)


Great HP formula, Destroyer have 150% added dgm (total 100x3 + 150x3 = 750% of damage output for a quick attack  + 28% critical, first t4 skill


What do you want more? Knight Main Attack is Grand Cross, that have 80% o attack damage and 80% of atk rating, NO critical boost


Crappy HP formula, Devine Piercing is very slow, no critical increase,plus last skill losing 1 EP point from useless Justice Sword


Nerfed Drastic Spirit, that original PT adds 33% of Defense, here it adds 20% of Defense

Nerfed Devine Shield Block Rate, original PT adds at lv 9 adds 6% of block, then here it adds at lv 10 crappy 4% of block


what we have boosted so?


God Bless adds 100 of Atk damage min and max, original gives 33 of min and max


lets make the maths, 100-33, we got 67 more atk power.


Then, we lost 13% of Defense power, and 3% of block rate, 2% of block rate plus 1 precious SP


I think 13% and 3% of block isnt a fair change for 67 atk power increase.



SO sit your ... and stop complaining about overpowered knights, change the disc, it's dont work anymore


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look at that blob  ahuUHAUHahuAUHauhA

the guy is RETARDED MENTAL! UHAuhauhAUHauhUHAuhauhAUHauhUHAa

you say that's nonsense question about the balance of classes? ah guy, please remove it from the topic, I will not even discuss, bye.


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Consider Fighter mastery skills, Avening Crash with 95% added damage + atk rating from weapon + 15% critical (brutal lv 10)


Great HP formula, Destroyer have 150% added dgm (total 100x3 + 150x3 = 750% of damage output for a quick attack  + 28% critical, first t4 skill


What do you want more? Knight Main Attack is Grand Cross, that have 80% o attack damage and 80% of atk rating, NO critical boost


Crappy HP formula, Devine Piercing is very slow, no critical increase,plus last skill losing 1 EP point from useless Justice Sword


Nerfed Drastic Spirit, that original PT adds 33% of Defense, here it adds 20% of Defense

Nerfed Devine Shield Block Rate, original PT adds at lv 9 adds 6% of block, then here it adds at lv 10 crappy 4% of block


what we have boosted so?


God Bless adds 100 of Atk damage min and max, original gives 33 of min and max


lets make the maths, 100-33, we got 67 more atk power.


Then, we lost 13% of Defense power, and 3% of block rate, 2% of block rate plus 1 precious SP


I think 13% and 3% of block isnt a fair change for 67 atk power increase.



SO sit your ... and stop complaining about overpowered knights, change the disc, it's dont work anymore

Fighters got no defense boost, different from knights

There's no atk rate added on AC

Berserker got -60 abs PENALTY


On the other hand knights got many defensive boosts

Atk buffs with no penalties

Shield skills add way more than they describe



Don't talk about numbers if you don't know anything about them

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Consider Fighter mastery skills, Avening Crash with 95% added damage + atk rating from weapon + 15% critical (brutal lv 10)


Great HP formula, Destroyer have 150% added dgm (total 100x3 + 150x3 = 750% of damage output for a quick attack  + 28% critical, first t4 skill


What do you want more? Knight Main Attack is Grand Cross, that have 80% o attack damage and 80% of atk rating, NO critical boost


Crappy HP formula, Devine Piercing is very slow, no critical increase,plus last skill losing 1 EP point from useless Justice Sword


Nerfed Drastic Spirit, that original PT adds 33% of Defense, here it adds 20% of Defense

Nerfed Devine Shield Block Rate, original PT adds at lv 9 adds 6% of block, then here it adds at lv 10 crappy 4% of block


what we have boosted so?


God Bless adds 100 of Atk damage min and max, original gives 33 of min and max


lets make the maths, 100-33, we got 67 more atk power.


Then, we lost 13% of Defense power, and 3% of block rate, 2% of block rate plus 1 precious SP


I think 13% and 3% of block isnt a fair change for 67 atk power increase.



SO sit your ... and stop complaining about overpowered knights, change the disc, it's dont work anymore

Fighters got no defense boost, different from knights

There's no atk rate added on AC

Berserker got -60 abs PENALTY


On the other hand knights got many defensive boosts

Atk buffs with no penalties

Shield skills add way more than they describe



Don't talk about numbers if you don't know anything about them

AC +50% atr actually

knight shield skills is not hidden power, is just 4%block and -20%dmg (way better than add pure abs like MS skill)

even offical server got better than rpt, cos divine shield & drastic got nerfed here

Berserker's PENALTY is going to -30abs, but hey its 120-120 atkp, thats huge

and thats why it called Berserker

and Fighter no have evade block boost skill thats the fact, its the way in pt it is

still pike is best pvp char rightnow,  evade+block+def, all have, and got ICE

i used to play a knight & pike, but now i play Fighter

i feel fine as now it is, Knight isnt that overpowered than you think,

its just some knight only after get VL-ed then come out of safezone, hard to kill

VL overpowered is ture, yes,    if no VL = die,  very easy to kill

look at vietclan's knight, always no VL to BC war, but AVA's pike only VL then fight

the knights get killed like million times, very easy job

thats why they dont even get on the PVP clan ranking, i think their kill/die ratio is < 0.9


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yea, i wont neither

coz its a retard topic

unreasonable request

how about change berserker skill name to Warrior's Spirit

then i can partly agree u guys said above about remove the penalty

the kr company game developer designed the skill like this

maybe u can complain to them

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I won't waste my time with any of you anymore


Ok, sir Owner of the Truth.


Numbers? I play as knight in every server, for like 8 years. I dont talk about numbers, i talk about real experiences. I'm a PvP player, if you dont believe, just go to youtube and search DarkLink64


continue this frigging baby cry that knights are overpowered

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