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Questions about Xmas Weapon

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Hi , i have some questions about xmas weapon

1- Where can i see a xmas weapon list? I looked at item list from the user's panel and there's haven't any xmas weapon
I want to see them 'cause i want to buy the coolest one... Do you have some screen shot from them?

2- Wich one of them is One-Hand Weapon ? 

3- Can i give mix or spec in any of them ?

4- About Xmas Weapon Create Box ... When a use the box , can i choose a specific xmas weapon or is ramdom?



sorry for my words mistakes but i'm from brazil and i don't speak english very well. 

AND PLEASE!!!  BUFF THE SKILL SPARK (Tier 2 from Mechanic)


Edited by fabio95

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from what i have heard... if you open an xmas weapon box, if the weapon is one with a timer it will be the same exact weapon you are currently holding (included stats and one-handed/two-handedness) except it is christmasy looking and it expires and disappears after the time that it says... or you can get a permanent christmas weapon but the stats are that of a lvl one weapon and is mostly just a toy.


the expire ones are mixed or aged the exact same as the weapon you are currently holding.  permanent ones i believe can be mixed or aged like normal weapons.


if it expires, the weapon is the one you are currently wearing.  i think the permanent ones are random.  either way, you cannot pick a specific one (to my knowledge)

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6 hours ago, jcompher said:

from what i have heard... if you open an xmas weapon box, if the weapon is one with a timer it will be the same exact weapon you are currently holding (included stats and one-handed/two-handedness) except it is christmasy looking and it expires and disappears after the time that it says... or you can get a permanent christmas weapon but the stats are that of a lvl one weapon and is mostly just a toy.


the expire ones are mixed or aged the exact same as the weapon you are currently holding.  permanent ones i believe can be mixed or aged like normal weapons.


if it expires, the weapon is the one you are currently wearing.  i think the permanent ones are random.  either way, you cannot pick a specific one (to my knowledge)

thanks a lot man.


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