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Feather tier 1/2..../5

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I was wondering if Feather tier 1 affect double crash ? Or it only affect skill with delay, such as if I use feather tier 4 it will affect Divine piercing  since it have a high delay ?


thanks you 

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As i know, feather reduce DELAY skills by a certain %. So if DC is delay its will be reduce, if You can DC constanly then I dont see the point of using feather.

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Feathers reduce the cooldown period of skills by 10%. If the skill takes 10 seconds to be reused after casting, when using a feather it will take 9 seconds to be casted again.

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As for you're question specifically, the animation for Double Crash is longer then its cooldown period. So no, a Tier 1 feather would not allow you to use Double Crash any faster then you use it without a feather.

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Alright, thanks you guys for all the information :)

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