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ata's new build after patch...

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If it stays how it says in the patch notes, then it'll be the oldskool ePT Ata build.

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If it stays how it says in the patch notes, then it'll be the oldskool ePT Ata build.


ept is crap..

ata is going to be crap :))


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back to storm javelin.


But i don't think that x-rage get a high delay, i think will be the same of Meteor of mages, so that ain't bad.

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back to storm javelin.


But i don't think that x-rage get a high delay, i think will be the same of Meteor of mages, so that ain't bad.


how do you expect atas to xp with crap skill ie storm jav

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back to storm javelin.


But i don't think that x-rage get a high delay, i think will be the same of Meteor of mages, so that ain't bad.


how do you expect atas to xp with crap skill ie storm jav


The same way you expected archers to level with Perfo.

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back to storm javelin.


But i don't think that x-rage get a high delay, i think will be the same of Meteor of mages, so that ain't bad.


how do you expect atas to xp with crap skill ie storm jav



The same way you expected archers to level with Perfo.


Or fighters with no AoE xD atleast you still have an AoE to use.



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If atas get the old school delay, it will be a big trouble to atas.


If they get meteor's delay: x-rage/storm/x-rage/storm


The same way you expected archers to level with Perfo.


hope that some plp start to up archers, that were forgotten by ata's advantages



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i dont think that As arent able to up, they kill alot with perfuration, its just a case to know how to play, but i agree with Akira, it maybe has delay after lvl 5 or 6 what means that we still can use X-Range what have lvl 5 110% and 6 120% buut storm javelin in lvl 10 its just 84% what makes this skill come into a crap, and its just not the fact of the damage but the fact that this skill atack twice in same, what means that, if u're pure, xping, u'll die faster as hell ;X

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i dont think that As arent able to up, they kill alot with perfuration, its just a case to know how to play, but i agree with Akira, it maybe has delay after lvl 5 or 6 what means that we still can use X-Range what have lvl 5 110% and 6 120% buut storm javelin in lvl 10 its just 84% what makes this skill come into a crap, and its just not the fact of the damage but the fact that this skill atack twice in same, what means that, if u're pure, xping, u'll die faster as hell ;X


110% is  very less damage :(

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yes but, as we dont have another option, we has to choose the best option ;X

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i dont think that As arent able to up, they kill alot with perfuration, its just a case to know how to play, but i agree with Akira, it maybe has delay after lvl 5 or 6 what means that we still can use X-Range what have lvl 5 110% and 6 120% buut storm javelin in lvl 10 its just 84% what makes this skill come into a crap, and its just not the fact of the damage but the fact that this skill atack twice in same, what means that, if u're pure, xping, u'll die faster as hell ;X


110% is  very less damage :(

in tier 5 will be ROCK ! CRIT AND SPEED ATK

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