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Can someone please give me info about DI q and SL q, Like what do we have to do to finish the quest, and how much xp the quest win ? and is it repeatable with no delay ?

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DI Q, collect 3kk gold dropped by monsters while the quest is active. Only players from your party can kill the monsters, if a player outside of your party kills the monsters and someone within your party picks up the gold it will not count towards the quest. This quest can be done unlimited times each day.


3 different modes, if your party level is 141 or lower:

Normal = 75 billion

Hard = 82 billion

Pro = 89 billion (or was it 90?)


SL Q, kill 50 undead monsters while the quest is active. It is a solo quest. This quest can only be done once a day, and resets at 00:00 server time.


This is a level 140 quest, so the EXP is determined based off your level difference from 140. I cannot remember the EXP rewards for this quest, maybe someone else can help you as I am not home right now.


There will be two new Party Quest added into SL soon. One can be done unlimited times each day, and the other can only be done at certain points each day.

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oh great, so DI q is the only way to exp atm ? once you've done the one SL quest.

What's the difference between normal hard & pro ? and what is the party level is above 141 ?

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On 2017-6-3 at 1:00 PM, Azoth. said:

oh great, so DI q is the only way to exp atm ? once you've done the one SL quest.

What's the difference between normal hard & pro ? and what is the party level is above 141 ?

You can still exp in HS SL, if you find a party for it.


The difference on the Quest difficulty is how much of the gold you loot from monsters is converted to the pirate's chest. For example, in the Normal mode, if you loot 12k, all those 12k will go into the chest. In the other modes (hard and pro), the amount that goes to the chest is <12k (I don't know the exact percentages).


The party level is the avarage level of your party. For example:


6 Characters lvl 132 form a party of level 132 -> 6*132/6 = 132

5 Characters lvl 132 + 1 Character lvl 138 form a party of level 133 -> (5 * 132 + 138) / 6 = 133

1 Character 150 + 3 Characters 138 + 2 Characters 132 form a party of level 138 -> (150 + 3 * 138 + 2 * 132) / 6 = 138

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