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donators dont get banned ?

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There're many reasons I'll list for you. :P


Kill Stealing (KS)

KSing once or twice will not be punished, if you however KS another player continuously it is not tolerated


Minimum Punishment: Warn

Maximum Punishment: 1-Day Ban


And if you still questionable about it,read this.


Staff reserves the right to punish a player for any reason, not just those described here, if they see fit. Although this is not used very often.

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Guest TFSE



Yes they do get banned.


Are we a bit slow on the banning? Yes, there is a huge list to go through and there is a delay.


rPT loves its conspiracy theories doesn't it? We have explained the "exception" rule many times. It does not favour donators. I will not search up the posts that explained this (you can do so yourself).


So what other conspiracies are there gonna be next?

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Yes they do get banned.


Are we a bit slow on the banning? Yes, there is a huge list to go through and there is a delay.


rPT loves its conspiracy theories doesn't it? We have explained the "exception" rule many times. It does not favour donators. I will not search up the posts that explained this (you can do so yourself).


So what other conspiracies are there gonna be next?




I saw one man dupping itens, using xp hack, doing ks, using trade hack and he only got 3 days bans.

Thats R I D I C U L O U S

and dont come with blasphemies, you knaw what im saing is the ONLY true!


I have never before seen so much BS in one single post.

Nice story tho ;)

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What do you want to be explained? There is a lot in that topic ;)

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What do you want to be explained? There is a lot in that topic ;)


Why someone who already permanent banned can login and play the game ?  ;)

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I think its not forbidden to ask simple questions regarding a issue,

Since there propably is a simple explaination for it,

However before the official given by a staff member , i would like to point out few possible scenario's that could have happened, wich also occur in real life often.


-He gave staff the hack, so they can update their anti hack soon and stop all hackers in coming anti hack upgrade, and received a general pardon.

-He was innocent somehow.

-He bribed those with enough authority in staff with money or something else with value and got unban.

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Yup, i donated my char to lvl 120, with full gears all +20


And i been hacking ever since, and i dont get banned. Me and the staff have a secret agreement.





ps. dont feed this troll =p

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" post="147675" timestamp="1294339889"]

Yup, i donated my char to lvl 120, with full gears all +20


And i been hacking ever since, and i dont get banned. Me and the staff have a secret agreement.





ps. dont feed this troll =p


You promised to not say anything!



@starmagic: Read the first scenario in Easy4me2own's post :)

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-He gave staff the hack, so they can update their anti hack soon and stop all hackers in coming anti hack upgrade, and received a general pardon-


I'm sure everyone will satisfied with this explaination regarding they botted to lv 125 :)

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He just said to read first scenario, he didnt told us the real reason yet about that case.

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So if I bot to 125, then give you the hack I used, it'll be all ok and I can carry on?


kk brb gonna use google

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So if I bot to 125, then give you the hack I used, it'll be all ok and I can carry on?


kk brb gonna use google


If its being able to find on google, im sure its already included in the anti hack.

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Yes they do get banned.


Are we a bit slow on the banning? Yes, there is a huge list to go through and there is a delay.


rPT loves its conspiracy theories doesn't it? We have explained the "exception" rule many times. It does not favour donators. I will not search up the posts that explained this (you can do so yourself).


So what other conspiracies are there gonna be next?




I saw one man dupping itens, using xp hack, doing ks, using trade hack and he only got 3 days bans.

Thats R I D I C U L O U S

and dont come with blasphemies, you knaw what im saing is the ONLY true!


agree too =\

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all brasil valdeco??? wtf???

i bad player?

you play with me how long? 've seen me use something that could not use?

you do not play anymore do not know what is happening in the game!

the Viet are destroying the server it took me three trade hack lost all my

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Yes they do get banned.


Are we a bit slow on the banning? Yes, there is a huge list to go through and there is a delay.


rPT loves its conspiracy theories doesn't it? We have explained the "exception" rule many times. It does not favour donators. I will not search up the posts that explained this (you can do so yourself).


So what other conspiracies are there gonna be next?




I saw one man dupping itens, using xp hack, doing ks, using trade hack and he only got 3 days bans.

Thats R I D I C U L O U S

and dont come with blasphemies, you knaw what im saing is the ONLY true!


agree too =\



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One question... when u say the true, is banned?


Not in rPT. Why?

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One question... when u say the true, is banned?


Not in rPT. Why?


Why one friend say the true and is banned on forum now.. and i think this interesting

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One question... when u say the true, is banned?


Not in rPT. Why?


Why one friend say the true and is banned on forum now.. and i think this interesting

You are being awfully cryptic?


Who got banned, and for what? :o

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alenca get ban & unban many times, how much this guy paid for unban ?

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One question... when u say the true, is banned?


Not in rPT. Why?


Why one friend say the true and is banned on forum now.. and i think this interesting

You are being awfully cryptic?


Who got banned, and for what? :o


my friend got banned Gutenberg why ban he?


@Tripler u is GM man? you talk as if ...

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