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to Mercury ( no offense)

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sorry to take you to the conservation but  other threads were locked. i only want to say 1 comment about you


you said:


"Alenca and Tuyennoob are helping other VN's so that they can donate towt(because you need paypal and creditcard). No, its not the same as selling for real money. Why? Because lets say person A wants to donate. Then he will give xx money to alenca or tuyennoob which then send the same amount to rpts paypal. So they dont WIN any money by doing it, they are just trying to help those with no creditcard."


but the true is :


person A wants to donate. Then he will give xx money to alenca or tuyennoob. they keep for themself then use balance ( from selling hunting-items and exp service) to donate items.


you can believe me or not is not my probem now. maybe i will get ban after this post but its ok. i will accept it



guess what: after i posted on other thread, just got a pm from Tuyennoob:



" you are a coward, do all tricks to take me down?"


my answer:


" im not a coward, all i said are true. you dare to tell me that you dont sell items/acc for real money?"


after this i dont get any pm anymore  :)

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Guest TFSE

If there are complaints about the behavior/actions of a staff member please use PM, thanks.

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Phew... A lot to answer to today. No you wont get banned for writing that.


Yes what you say is almost true. Balance is ALSO real money. And if they get money IRL and then pay with their balance so what? They have just used their own money to pay the server. I know they are using SOME balance, but not only.


And that PM I wont comment on. Sorry I am just to tired.

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