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Regarding Cash Shop and a few questions

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Hey guys, new to the server! Was wondering what the cash shop is like in this server. Is it crazy OP (p2w) or can someone be as successful without using the cash shop?


Which classes are good to play for farming gold etc / or which class is best to start off as?


How populated is this sever? 



Edited by Jonneh

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2 hours ago, Jonneh said:

Hey guys, new to the server! Was wondering what the cash shop is like in this server. Is it crazy OP (p2w) or can someone be as successful without using the cash shop?


Which classes are good to play for farming gold etc / or which class is best to start off as?


How populated is this sever? 



No, It isn't p2w. You can be successful without using the cash shop and u can buy   coins ( cash) with game gold.  The best class is the one you like but its better Begin with Sacer or Mage and use them to leveling another char, likes KS, AS, MS or ATA. About server, It is Full players.   Sorry for my English. 

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Welcome Jonneh :11_blush:


We have the largest playerbase and the most exclusive features as you will soon realize as you keep playing! :22_stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Have fun!

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50 minutes ago, witch05 said:

Promises only...

LOL for real i only see hate pots from u its time to go outside dont u think?

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I guess he never met the nice pple ingame.

Which makes it worth it to wait a lil longer and play here :)


Even when we have to wait so now and then, its the best PT server u can imagine  :14_relaxed: :17_heart_eyes:

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12 minutes ago, kuegen said:

LOL for real i only see hate pots from u its time to go outside dont u think?


and who are u ? I didn't ask u anything, I'm doing what every human can do, expressing my opinion, the forum works for any player come here whenever he or she wants and say anything that comes to ur mind about the game, doesnt matter if its a good thing or a bad thing, besides if Wartale team are smart they will realize that every negative comment is a chance to improve their work, if u're not happy with this thats your problem I don't have to make u happy with what I write here, u don't have to read anything so... :18_kissing_heart:

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It's okay guys, no need to fight. :) Every opinion is welcome. Perhaps you guys can highlight some of the things you love and things you hate about the game to help out Jonneh decide!


But most importantly, have fun!

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15 hours ago, Jonneh said:

Hey guys, new to the server! Was wondering what the cash shop is like in this server. Is it crazy OP (p2w) or can someone be as successful without using the cash shop?


Which classes are good to play for farming gold etc / or which class is best to start off as?


How populated is this sever? 



ignore the hate comments just join it and try it, if u like priston u gonna love this server is like no other

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WarTale is the Best server and there will never be one better.

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Well, the honest answer is - You can be pretty decent by yourself, but you cant go past 155 without serious investment in money.


Without any help, starting from zero, If you want to get strong and reach at least 150~152 with the best gears possible, you need to invest a lot of time into the game. One year or two playing with lot of frequency.


But if you want to be really strong, you gotta invest a lot of money. Leveling 159 to 160 takes almost half a year with the character exping 24h/7. And paying a exp service is not cheap either.


But if you're like me and wants to play the game, and not to be just a pilot, yes, you can be sucessfull!

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lol after i exp at 159 

its like 9hour for 1%

and then i back exp my as 143 i can do in 9h around  20%

so i think 140-150 is very easy now even if you exp 5-7h per day you can done it max 4-5month 

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Exping at 140 is not that easy as you think. Even more harder from someone that has no good gears neither close relationship with key expers / exping clans.


DiQ party Quests and SL HS needs a very advanced setup - Tanker, Lurer and some VL/Regen.


ITs hard to find a party, and when you do, it doesnt last much long because players leaves all the time. I hope with the news quests comming, the game become more friendly for everyone, playing solo or not, in regards of exping. 

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not like everyone can play 5-7hours a day, like me after come from work and do home stuffs/ care my baby i play a bit, cant play more then 2 hours a day.


and also we got like darklink said, diq need some hard setup, sometimes u wait a lot of times to finish it to play only 1 diq.

Edited by mcslug2

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Exactly as McSlug said. Exping 9 hours a day is something for either childs or unemployed people.

And like i've said,  152 in average with best gears, takes one year or two, playing from zero, with a good pace.


But well, if you have that time, you can reach that goal in a lesser time.

Edited by DarkLink64

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Só queria que desbloqueasse minha conta , poque nem sei o porque ela esta bloqueada se não uso nenhuma ferramenta parecida com haker!!!

Char : Costantine

Classe: Mago

LVL: 130



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Haha thanks for all the replies guys. I've come back to PT after many years. Last time I played was around the time ePT was pay to play after lvl 40. Stumbled upon this server and so far i'm enjoying it...currently lvl 85. Only problem is finding gear around my level, i'm dying way too fast in Iron 1 and 2 and I feel like i'm not killing fast enough when my crystals tank for me. Any pointers/tips?

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