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Mage very bad...

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Hi staff.
I wanna talk about the mage, before it was so op and I agree, but now its very bad my main class isn't mage but I care about this class too, is very unfair with they the most of mages wanna give up game now... check it, becoz this isn't balance but is an big nerf. Mage now is same assassin two mules in game. Tank nothing and also kill nothing. It was a mage 156 full last items vs KS 154 full too.

Mage stats:

1 hand :


2 hand :



Videos for show the mage damage:






Edited by Akuma
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Shaman have same issue in SL all attack using "scratch" all MISS, just some one have damage (now we can check this with damage display).

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i agree with you man... My mage 124 now isn't able to handle even Endless Temple Level 1 :-(

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- D E A T H S T R O K E -


Mage now = Priest, but without VL

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Spirit Elemental damage boost lowered from 78% to 50%

Amplify had its +118% final 1 on 1 damage boost removed

Energy Shield no longer works when you have 0 mana


Anything else?  Maybe critical value was changed for wands/staffs. Not on weapons, but the fixed value for prs/mage when they deal a critical strike.


I think they just need to boost Amplify a little bit to have more attack rating. 

Edited by TrapHouse
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i took 3500 mobs quests for my mage, before it was taking like 35-40min to completed. today i spent 40min and it's only completed 50%.. and i stop doing my quest. it's just too ......

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Mago ta uma desgrça fuderam mago legal deveriam era arrumar a mizeria da bolha que come uma maná desgraçada mago ta sem futuro agora!!!

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Quick suggestion: add a new balance test team becouse as i see the ones you have atm cant balance... things go from op to useless in a blink 

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Now server only KS & MS can play. Mg very bad(Train & hunt very difficult vs another char). GM should review

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my main character are mage and prs, they are all weak,  Can't  play this game anymore! have to say bye then!


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This is pretty bad news.....


Thanks for taking up the topic Akuma. Hope they balance mages properly.



Edited by -Kali-

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Why mage not yet fixed, death ray 1 hit, spike stone 1 hit, not post forum? Now MG nerfed crying alot in forum??? Kid :4_joy::4_joy:

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1 minute ago, Peace.Freedom said:

Why mage not yet fixed, death ray 1 hit, spike stone 1 hit, not post forum? Now MG nerfed crying alot in forum??? Kid :4_joy::4_joy:

evry1 knew mage was op it was discussed many times but from op to useless...... it isent balanced was turned intro a mule and as players we cant agree with that having another class turn useless is bad for the game

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Cry about mage.


1 ray = kill



cryc cry cry

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41 minutes ago, Peace.Freedom said:

Why mage not yet fixed, death ray 1 hit, spike stone 1 hit, not post forum? Now MG nerfed crying alot in forum??? Kid :4_joy::4_joy:

I see only one Kid here! its you my boy!
There was no need to make a point for this, since the GM was able to see the need for correction. The most important question is:
Unlike a balancing act have destroyed the class as well, same for the assassin! Does it feel like having a useless class in the game ??? Maybe only for Wartale does! :1310_thumbsup_tone1:

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45 minutes ago, [BlackMagician] said:

mimimimim change class "kid" GO(:

momomomo ;-)

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Maybe staff need to hire new GM of balance, cus every patch is a nerf, not balance. If mage will keep like this, is better deleted him and assassin.

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2 hours ago, royalpt said:

my main character are mage and prs, they are all weak,  Can't  play this game anymore! have to say bye then!


Mine too (prs and mg), not only there are the weakest char in the game (except assassin), the cant even exp in exp maps because the exp there is horrible.

Iron core 2 killers (1 prs - 1 mg ) with no leech 82 bi = 41 min - DI 82bi  = 23min.

Now 82bi = 55 min!

In this server in the past you can choose lvl in pt quest or exp map, now you force to lvl in pt quest, but not all class can do it, not to mention the people with less time to play.

Mage now is almost a mule class like prs (only get pt for VL) and assassin.

I hope this maint was only a small part and today or tomorrow the fix mage and try to balance the classes (not NERF, BALANCE).



Edited by marce2125

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Well, balancing is complex thing that shouldn't be done that way. With new tools for proper testing (damage display), we can come up with more accurate balance stuff.

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- D E A T H S T R O K E -

The problem is, death ray is a single hit skill, all spammable skills have 2 or more hits, GC, Gs, AV, Scratch, vigor ball, chain lance(3hits), and due that it becomes nearly impossible to balance for pvp, if you increase too much = hit kill on pvp, reduce it  =  weak, and plus low attack ratting.

i would suggest to either increase deatn ray attack rtg and attack speed, the hit frequency of death ray is +- 3 hits every 2 spammable skills of  most of other classes (unless Fs and ass, which are faster), make it 2 hits for every spammable skill and it should be enough.

Also, fire bolt could be the spammable skill, With increased attack rtg/speed & same damage as death ray now, and death ray being an end combo skill, with same delay as splint javelin,  and bosted damage bonus.

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mages should never be able to kill in pvp anyway, they should be a support class like prs.

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