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Great balance of the magician

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- D E A T H S T R O K E -
3 minutes ago, kuegen said:

mage death ray realy needs a buff 

So do vigor ball, so do assassin, so do pike.... 

Shamam , pris and mage are awful at hunting,they miss a lot and got low critical rate, that will never change.

Anyway, yes , i agree death ray it's weak, meteor is doing more damage than it.

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9 minutes ago, - D E A T H S T R O K E - said:

So do vigor ball, so do assassin, so do pike.... 

Shamam , pris and mage are awful at hunting,they miss a lot and got low critical rate, that will never change.

Anyway, yes , i agree death ray it's weak, meteor is doing more damage than it.


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1 hour ago, luizpbox said:


Mage taking more than 2 minutes to kill a mob ... Is that balancing? Or are you trying to get the mage out of the game?

Ps kill slow too, Shaman too, Ass too.


Bro stop complain about mage, really :)

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5 hours ago, [BlackMagician] said:

Ps kill slow too, Shaman too, Ass too.


Bro stop complain about mage, really :)


You are very stupid, man. >.<

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So you want a mage to kill a mob for one death ray? :)

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6 hours ago, [BlackMagician] said:

Ps matar lento também, Shaman também, Ass também.


Bro pára se queixar de mago, realmente :)

You must have at some point about "how to speak shit".

Pikeman and shaman are killing much faster than a mage.

Take a test before you come talk crap.

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Oh yeah, you guys want mage kill 1 death ray and kill all ppl in BC with Stone Spikes, Nice =)

Edited by [BlackMagician]

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4 minutes ago, [BlackMagician] said:

Ah, sim, vocês querem mage matar 1 raio da morte e matar todas as pessoas em BC com Stone Spikes, Nice =)

No one here is talking about BC ... we're talking about damage on mobs cease to be dumb

Edited by luizpbox

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5 minutes ago, flouks said:

You must have at some point about "how to speak shit".

Pikeman and shaman are killing much faster than a mage.

Take a test before you come talk crap.

He talk about killing mobs not in BC . And true I played with ps and shaman in SL take long time to kill 1 mob more than 2 mints for each mob.

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Was made a test with an SS also, and he killing in 20 seconds faster than the magician, being that the shamam is 5 lvl smaller than the magician

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Relax guys, eventually the balance will be sorted out. 

It's a matter of trial and error, untill we get the right values. It's not like balance is bad on purpose, it's what the staff already said - they are small, and are focused on big stuff like new content and the website. 


I'm doing what I can, testing all I can and give my honest opinion. Of course I can be wrong too, but at least we can have a good basis. Eventually i'll check Mage too, and do some in-depth analysis of his skills.

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- D E A T H S T R O K E -

5 levels= 50 spirit, it wouldn't do a big difference in the time, it means that shamam is bad at hunting aswell.

Also, Mage AoE Damage is higher than shamam, do the Test, with stone spike or Meteor vs phantom  Nail.

I think shamam should have higher 1v1 damage (i already suggested sometime ago to haunt reduce hp as soul sucker does) since mages does more AoE damage.

But, again, yes, death ray it's weak atm.


10 minutes ago, DarkLink64 said:

Relax guys, eventually the balance will be sorted out. 

It's a matter of trial and error, untill we get the right values. It's not like balance is bad on purpose, it's what the staff already said - they are small, and are focused on big stuff like new content and the website. 


I'm doing what I can, testing all I can and give my honest opinion. Of course I can be wrong too, but at least we can have a good basis. Eventually i'll check Mage too, and do some in-depth analysis of his skills.

That is awesome :14_relaxed:

The main problem of the game atm it is the balance, if all classes get a role on game(xp & pvp &hunt), it will be almost perfect.

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3 hours ago, fahed said:

Ele fala sobre matar mafiosos não em BC. E é verdade que eu joguei com ps e shaman em SL demorem muito para matar 1 mafia com mais de 2 mints por cada mafia.

Yes bro, i know....


But now, mage need 2min to kill mob?????? Shaman 1:30 pike 1min or less... LOL

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