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When are we going to be able to play with Assassin?

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When are we going to be able to play with Assassin? I mean.... She is desbalanced or is bugged ? 
I saw that the skills do not work as they should. And the Dagger Block does not work right on the character.

Think About it. Lv 120 dagger have 14 % Block each one . So 14x2 = 28% Block it's more than MS.
 But sadly its not work 'cause assassin hardly block any monster's dmg

So i want to know its a bug or she is desbalancing? And when they will fix this ?

Edited by fabio95

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Assassin will have a skill balance.


The block does work correctly. Every stat on a dagger is /2. 


Example: You're 120 dagger has 14% block in each one. If you only equip one, you have 7% block. If you equip both, you will then have 14% block. Same thing goes for attack power, attack rating, critical etc etc.

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6 minutes ago, TrapHouse said:

Assassin will have a skill balance.


The block does work correctly. Every stat on a dagger is /2. 


Example: You're 120 dagger has 14% block in each one. If you only equip one, you have 7% block. If you equip both, you will then have 14% block. Same thing goes for attack power, attack rating, critical etc etc.

so... she is desbalancing... i see. Thank you for that man. Do you know when she will be buffed ?

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4 minutes ago, fabio95 said:

Do you know when she will be buffed ?


Nope, don't know.

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