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Dropping Quest Item WITHOUT TRADE

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Well, I know how to get rid of it normally, but.. there's no trading at the moment. Any other possible way? Yes, there is. Technically you can't get rid of it, but you can still continue on to the next rank up quest. Fill up your inventory like you normally would for the trade tactic. Then pick up the weapon, switch inventory trays to the full one, make sure you have a weapon equipped and relog. After you relog, it will still be in your hand, but the game will detect that it's gone. Now, you can do your next rank up quest and just hold on to the weapon until trading is fixed.

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Thanks for sharing, i was exping my new Pike, then noticed that the trade system is off.



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this way, the quest weapon will stay in your inventory. due to this WP better than even 60's weapon, that's a good way

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Yeah, I had the same problem with the trading being unavailable, exping my pike as well. I don't like the look of the weapon anyways, so, can't wait to get rid of it.

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