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oO´ Balance Skills

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Boost Health from FS really need 250?


what a buff!!




now lost a skill on tier 4... because is almost useless now... (BUT I KNOW THAT WAS A BUG... And agree that need to be fixed!)




Arrow Rage nice AOE and Nice damage (120 x 6 = 720 damage constant on 140 aoe.. not bad..)


i don´t play on AS, but perforation was a bad skill?


Force of NAture, NICE BUFF!! (I Think that AS need!!)






Now on others balances, need to fix mechs skills


Maybe Vigor Ball? to PRS?


Delay for Ice and for Expansion? on PS







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i don´t play in FS here on realmpt...

but seems to be a very nice char (Without AOE Skill...)


250 hp wasn´t a huge upgrade? was really needed?


it´s just my first impression.. i don´t know, maybe numbers scarys!

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FS should be great tanker due to high HP, that's why they got nice HP formula + HP skill on T4


But once equips get better... chars get higher... this HP boost ain't that good anymore

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is dmg boost a % of the characters atk pow or the atk pow of the weapon?  i can't seem to remember,  cuz i thought i read somewhere ppl saying aoe skills do not benefit from forces (with the exception of casters).


cyclone strike got improved by increasing the amount of adjacent targets that can be hit.  but i don't think it will make it that much better.  making the dmg boost apply to all targets and reducing the dmg boost would be better.  i know the skill balance isn't implemented yet so nobody knows if its balanced or not.  im just putting this idea out there. 

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I like the new stats of FS skills. With +250HP, we now can max the Berseker skill !!!

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yes, and Fighter will be one of best BS class after this patch

use Berserker(choose 30s duration lvl),  just wait 25s,

leave a few secs to hit and run

haushaushau  ;)

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2xx is alot


150 hp is good enough for fighters ;)



Raising HP by 50 would be pointless, even with vl which supposedly adds abs aswell as hp its not hard to kill Fs in bc so 250hp boost is good.

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2xx is alot


150 hp is good enough for fighters ;)


taking into consideration that FS cant xp on its own so it lose out on that area

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2xx is alot


150 hp is good enough for fighters ;)


taking into consideration that FS cant xp on its own so it lose out on that area

very large increase in hp ...

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First, at the moment i play with KS, i thought what the increased of hp was correct, because +150hp is nerfed with -30 abs(i still think what the -30 is more effective than +150hp) of Berserker. Before patch FS was equal an Knight without god bless, and After patch, with god bless. The patch will only active the god bless of FS. Sorry for the sucks comparison but is more or less it.

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So that will be pretty fair


Whoever chose a fighter to play just do it because they're supposed to be PvP masters, high HP, low tank, incredible attack power. The HP wasn't so high, the penalty to use Berserker was too much... maybe now they'll get better

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So that will be pretty fair


Whoever chose a fighter to play just do it because they're supposed to be PvP masters, high HP, low tank, incredible attack power. The HP wasn't so high, the penalty to use Berserker was too much... maybe now they'll get better


That is more or less what i tried to say. it's exatly what i think.

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Yea, 'Fighter' remember anyone pvp, fighters need to be the best on pvp, and they're not!

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