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New mix/sheltoms /ages set bosses

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ppl 140-150-160 using still set boss 120

whould be good add set boss for 130 or 140

add new sheltoms to make sheltoms market active again !

new aging/new mix can whould be nice 

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with aging/mix i agree...

but new set boss, no need it... 

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why no need it ?

120set for 160level ?

should add new set maybe 140 

to make game more active 

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If the problem is set level 120 , have rins 13x , but u are using 120 because is the best...  

About new Sheltom and mix can be Nice...

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- D E A T H S T R O K E -

Age was balanced to go till +20, you could see clearly that

*+22 made Orbitals way too strong, +24 would make it godly.

*Attack rating increases in fix values, meanwhile def in %, we already got a broken pvp.

* new ages would largely increase the gap between free players and donators.


Since ages cant be raisen, add a new mix would anihilate any reason to age items (staff 130+22 have the same atk power of one 134 bsol)


A new set boss, maybe in the future , in a 140 + arena similar to hell's gate, maybe is what "royal rumble" might be.


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Sheltoms need to be removed from the server before new mixes/ages should be considered.

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21 minutes ago, TrapHouse said:

Sheltoms need to be removed from the server before new mixes/ages should be considered.

need do something about it

1year before

sol 105kk

sap 33kk

oerdo 11kk

bleum 3.3kk



1sol 65kk

sap 21kk

oerdo 7kk

blleum 2kk 

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No need to add new boss set since they are already power full, we have enough regen, stm ect with the boss et 3, if you add another one, we won't have to pot ... it will make the game play too easy.



Edited by Clem

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+1 to new sheltoms/mixes/agings


-1 for new set boss

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