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[APP] Magician Ray's Grimoire

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14 minutes ago, Keshy said:

I did that, but my offline stores don't appear in the app, when I get PM I can't open because the stores don't appear in the app


So it's some peculiarity of your smartphone, I tested it on 3 android devices of different models and OS versions, and on all of them version 1.0.13 of the app is working perfectly. Also I don't have any crash logs for this version. Tell me your device model and OS version.

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16 minutes ago, ZecaDaFoice said:


So it's some peculiarity of your smartphone, I tested it on 3 android devices of different models and OS versions, and on all of them version 1.0.13 of the app is working perfectly. Also I don't have any crash logs for this version. Tell me your device model and OS version.


Android 11

Moto One Vision

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2 hours ago, ZecaDaFoice said:


So it's some peculiarity of your smartphone, I tested it on 3 android devices of different models and OS versions, and on all of them version 1.0.13 of the app is working perfectly. Also I don't have any crash logs for this version. Tell me your device model and OS version.

Android 12
Oppo Reno 5 5G

 I have the same experience with @Keshy 

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1 - In your personal store click on the "Link App" button.
2 - In the app, access the side menu and tap on the "Personal Shop" option.
3 - On the next screen, tap the QR Code icon in the lower right corner of the screen.
4 - Allow the app to use your camera.
5 - Scan the code that is being displayed in the game.
6 - Insert the code generated by the app into the game.
7 - The game will show confirmation of successful connection.


Note: If after entering the code generated in the app in the game window you receive an invalid code message, close the QR code screen in the game and click link the app again and repeat the process.


Once this is done, your store will be connected.

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8 hours ago, ZecaDaFoice said:

1 - In your personal store click on the "Link App" button.
2 - In the app, access the side menu and tap on the "Personal Shop" option.
3 - On the next screen, tap the QR Code icon in the lower right corner of the screen.
4 - Allow the app to use your camera.
5 - Scan the code that is being displayed in the game.
6 - Insert the code generated by the app into the game.
7 - The game will show confirmation of successful connection.


Note: If after entering the code generated in the app in the game window you receive an invalid code message, close the QR code screen in the game and click link the app again and repeat the process.


Once this is done, your store will be connected.


Hi! sir, I have a suggestion that I think it all of us will benefit from it. as of now the "PM" works in the apps only and once you open the wartale client the previous "PM's" gone but yes it was saved in the apps, is it possible to see it in "whisper tab" in-game once we logged on our vendors/accounts?


ATM, there's still a problem to my apps. I can see notifications on my phone for having a message but I can't see my linked shops on my wartale apps. My suggestion is for this kind of situation.


Thank you for creating this app. ?

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23 hours ago, mahead17 said:


Hi! sir, I have a suggestion that I think it all of us will benefit from it. as of now the "PM" works in the apps only and once you open the wartale client the previous "PM's" gone but yes it was saved in the apps, is it possible to see it in "whisper tab" in-game once we logged on our vendors/accounts?


ATM, there's still a problem to my apps. I can see notifications on my phone for having a message but I can't see my linked shops on my wartale apps. My suggestion is for this kind of situation.


Thank you for creating this app. ?

You have to uninstall the app and reinstall it again again. Make sure to check the app version first if its 1013 already in your play store (android). If the version is match, relog your vend accounts and relink again it with the app. Hope it works for you. 

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3 hours ago, Shorex said:

You have to uninstall the app and reinstall it again again. Make sure to check the app version first if its 1013 already in your play store (android). If the version is match, relog your vend accounts and relink again it with the app. Hope it works for you. 

yes, bro, i've done that. still not working. ?

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hi again

shops get randomly unlinked from the app, so in the app nothing shows up, but in-game it shows the linking icon lighted up blue

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Stores are only deleted if the server returns the information that the store has been disconnected. The error of not listing the stores only happens on some specific android devices, I haven't been able to simulate this scenario yet.


What is the nickname of the characters you linked to the app?  @ChookaPow @mahead17

Edited by ZecaDaFoice

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my offline shop dont worked too, i removed app, install again and now all work 100%

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1 hour ago, ZecaDaFoice said:

Stores are only deleted if the server returns the information that the store has been disconnected. The error of not listing the stores only happens on some specific android devices, I haven't been able to simulate this scenario yet.


What is the nickname of the characters you linked to the app?  @ChookaPow @mahead17

Peary / SuperChronos / Schirra / Pikebulbol / Rappahannock

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53 minutes ago, mahead17 said:

Peary / SuperChronos / Schirra / Pikebulbol / Rappahannock


I don't have records for these characters in the database.


What email did you use to log into the app? Send me in private.

Edited by ZecaDaFoice

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On 3/21/2022 at 11:08 AM, ZecaDaFoice said:

Stores are only deleted if the server returns the information that the store has been disconnected. The error of not listing the stores only happens on some specific android devices, I haven't been able to simulate this scenario yet.


What is the nickname of the characters you linked to the app?  @ChookaPow @mahead17


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notifications personal Shop don't work.

plz check and fix.

thx reading!

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notification just popped up that i have new messages, opened the app and they're not there

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On 24/06/2017 at 21:57, ZecaDaFoice said:



Olá Guerreiros,


Venho aqui trazer a grande novidade para todos vocês, minha nova calculadora exclusiva para Wartale chamada "Magician Ray's Grimoire", sim é, nosso querido Wartale agora tem sua própria versão exclusiva da melhor referência de envelhecimento, mix, stats de itens e requisito para Android e iOS, baixe agora mesmo e não perca nenhuma das novidades sobre o que está por vir.



loja de aplicativos     Google Play



Como conectar uma loja ao aplicativo


1- Na sua loja pessoal clique no botão "Link App".
2 - No app, acesse o menu lateral e toque na opção "Personal Shop".
3 - Na próxima tela, toque no ícone do QR Code no canto inferior direito da tela.
4 - Permita que o aplicativo use sua câmera.
5 - Escaneie o código que está sendo exibido no jogo.
6 - Insira o código gerado pelo aplicativo no jogo.
7 - O jogo mostrará a confirmação de conexão bem sucedida.


Nota: Se após inserir o código gerado no aplicativo na janela do jogo você receber uma mensagem de código inválido, feche a tela do código QR no jogo e clique em vincular o aplicativo novamente e repita o processo.


Feito isso, sua loja estará conectada. 


Registros de alterações:


v1.0.13 - 03/09/2022


* Correção de bugs.


v1.0.12 - 03/05/2022


+ Novo banco de dados, todas as lojas devem estar vinculadas ao aplicativo novamente.


* Correção de fórmulas de envelhecimento para alguns itens.
* Correção de bug que impedia o envio de mensagens com caracteres especiais.
* Exibição do título da loja ajustada para permitir a exibição de textos longos.
* Mudanças na interface do aplicativo.


v1.0.11 - 12/02/2022


* As mensagens pessoais agora estão listadas corretamente.

* Agora uma mensagem será exibida se você digitar um e-mail não registrado na tela de recuperação de senha.


v1.0.10 - 08/11/2021


* Correções de bugs


v1.0.7 - 04/11/2021


* Correções de bugs

* Alterando componentes visuais


+ Adicionado tela de login e registro.

+ Adicionados brincos e itens de montaria.

+ Adicionada funcionalidade que permite conectar o app à sua loja pessoal, a partir desta versão será possível:

- Conecte o aplicativo a uma ou mais lojas pessoais.

- Ver informações da loja.

- Responder a mensagens pessoais.

- Você será notificado sempre que receber uma nova mensagem pessoal.


v1.0.6 - 04/07/2021


* Corrigido bug onde alguns usuários não conseguiam ver o tempo de hg devido à resolução da tela do dispositivo.


v1.0.5 - 20/06/2021


+ Tela de classificação finalizada
* Correções de bugs


v1.0.4 - 26/01/2021
* Correção da lista de especificações na tela de envelhecimento do escudo.
* Alteração nos campos de texto.
* Correção da lista de especificações na tela de envelhecimento do escudo.
* Destaque para itens que possuem atributos especiais.
+ Adição do novo ícone e tela inicial.
+ Adição da lista de horários dos chefes na tela de informações do servidor.
+ Adição de itens de montaria


v1.0.3 - 16/01/2021


+ Adicionado notificação para o evento Cristal Boss.
+ Adicionadas informações sobre o evento Cristal Boss na tela de informações do servidor.
+ Adição do conversor de moeda.
+ Adição do Quiz do Armazém.

Bug time hg??

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7 hours ago, cameron said:

Bug time hg??


not that I know.

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Custome and time boss bro, plz fix it. Items pets not working correct


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2 hours ago, phuclong86 said:

Custome and time boss bro, plz fix it. Items pets not working correct



What's wrong with boss time?

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3 hours ago, ZecaDaFoice said:


What's wrong with boss time?

time boss different  between summer  and winter time for one hours , Bro, and time boss at your app is nortification boss appear for players have local times same server times. Thanks reply.                        Best regard 

Edited by phuclong86

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Hi OP,


can I use the same account details of wartale game to login or this app requires to register a new account?



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14 hours ago, playcentre said:

Hi OP,


can I use the same account details of wartale game to login or this app requires to register a new account?




You need to register on the app.

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App is bugged at "siege war information" is not showing any info at siege, normally it showns the HP of towers/gate/valhalla

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After this moment, i can't send or see PM's  (notification just popped up that i have new messages)

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