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Julio Muñoz Rodriguez

I do not remember my email or my account

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Julio Muñoz Rodriguez
Hi, I had my account of knight level 126 or 128 I do not remember very well, it was called Pelukaz, I would like to know with which email this created, I have many and some of them I do not remember the password of my mail and I do not know with which I created it , Please be so kind to tell me with that mail if I enter and I change my against a new one, please, it would be of much help, the ID of the account with which I enter is pelukas100 please help me I want to return to play with my Accounts.

Edited by Julio Muñoz Rodriguez
I did not write it in English

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esta seccion es en español :v

hablale al privado a "KingFrank" es el moderador de esta area, el posiblemente pueda ayudarte :D

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Julio Muñoz Rodriguez

Como puedo buscarlo? no se sobre esto :( ayudame por favor.

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Para poder ayudarte por favor brindame los siguientes datos para comprobar que la cuenta te pertenece.


ID , passwords anteriores , fotos.

Y algun que otro dato que pueda ayudarte.


Suerte , Fran.

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