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What's your character and why?

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Well, I love playing with archer, but im mage ;D


When i reach lvl 95+ i ill make an archer *-*


Pure archer rulez, highest damage in priston tale :x ( I guess )

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mech is the most versatile character


power build for high dmg hunting / pvp

tank build for safe xp / tank bosses

auto for some ranged ownage and easy hunting too

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Fighter, because its hard to train and as soon as t5 came out everyone will invite us to loot golds

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I'm a pike, just cause they have lots of different skills to use and be creative with and are helpful, which entertains me. They got good training aoe skill, and got good 1v1.


I think mech is acutally going to be a really good class to have currently though, because if ur smart enough, u can go boss hunting ALOT and really get rich.  If there was a mech who hunted the kelvazu alot, i think he would get rich fast.  Mechs also don't get hurt that much while training, so they can do that easy, as long as they find some mass killers to party with.  Once the server is more devloped though, mechs won't be worth it when hunting bosses isn't really worth it, and everyone is going to bc and mechs still have shield bug :P

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Pike always.

IMO is the best char for PvP, up and hunt  :)


hunt ? no... i think...


pike = papper :D

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I'm a pike, just cause they have lots of different skills to use and be creative with and are helpful, which entertains me. They got good training aoe skill, and got good 1v1.


I think mech is acutally going to be a really good class to have currently though, because if ur smart enough, u can go boss hunting ALOT and really get rich.  If there was a mech who hunted the kelvazu alot, i think he would get rich fast.  Mechs also don't get hurt that much while training, so they can do that easy, as long as they find some mass killers to party with.  Once the server is more devloped though, mechs won't be worth it when hunting bosses isn't really worth it, and everyone is going to bc and mechs still have shield bug :P

"once server is more devloped" i hope we will already have tier 5. with trine shield this "shield bug" will be nothing :D

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My main char always are pikeman, for me it's the best class, i love him, but now im starting one ats, i would like to train a different class, and i know it's a powerfull class. :D

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Pikeman Why I got used much.




Anyway , I made a Pikeman because it is really easy to level up with them.

I thought of starting a knight , but then I realized that there were no Quest Shop at the time and I trully hate doing that morion tier2 quest.


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mech is the most versatile character


power build for high dmg hunting / pvp

tank build for safe xp / tank bosses

auto for some ranged ownage and easy hunting too


forgot to add something about versatility : possible to use every kind of weapon, sword, axe, spears, hammers... everything.

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mech is the most versatile character


power build for high dmg hunting / pvp

tank build for safe xp / tank bosses

auto for some ranged ownage and easy hunting too


forgot to add something about versatility : possible to use every kind of weapon, sword, axe, spears, hammers... everything.

besides wand/staff~

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I play atalanta, because I think it's the most unique character .. :)

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:) I play with all characters , if i need 2 accounts is for make all them, i had been here LPT UPT and PT2 ... since other games always knight was my best opinion , but on PT the best char is an atalanta , even more when PT2 will release again  ... being pure , full gears or experimental  ata , rocks!


in spetial in PT2 where an atalanta with its stuning shield can stun people, as i see a ata kill a whole team of 6 ppl of hight level than her on  PT2 Goblin lair ( war zone ) ...


Now my best 3 are  (Ata,Mech,Knight) ... but all class are good, are greats, and the difference is not the character is the user who makes the difference ^^  ::)

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