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Simple question

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AS the titles say, who is the best for hunting: AutoMS or Archer?

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should be auto-mech, for 1v1 hunting, faster than archer in my opinion.


archer for party hunting, has area of effect skills.


but mech is more versatile, it can be both auto-mech or spark tank / hybrid impulsion mech or PvP grand smash mech,


whereas archer can only be perfo / bomb killer with three versions of strength, pure as, semi-pure as or full amour as.

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its better to have both mech and archer, to have variety in order to fight off boredom.. but to answer the question, i say its auto-mech based on my experience in playing both.

but another thing, sometimes it's not all about a char being the best in hunt, it's also about taste or personal preference that we choose a particular char.

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